Progpower West Nevermore headlining show


Jun 27, 2004
I just got back from the show at the knitting factory and i must say it was definately worth the 28 dollars and 6 hour drive. i got there at around 4 and watched most of the early bands which were cool, but not really that interesting. the first band that really got me excited was Cage and they played a 30 minute set which was great and included Chupacabra, Door To The Unknown, Secret Of Fatima, Kill The Devil and a few more i cant remember right now. before cage was steel attack and they were good, but didn't play any of the stuff i knew. after cage was done i went to the main room to see Agent Steel play (the fest was 3 rooms with stages going usually simultaneously except the last few bands) Agent steel were great and played a short but sweet set that consisted partly of Evil Eye evil mind, guilty as charged, ten fists of nations, bleed for the gods, unstoppable force, dead eyes. after agent steel a band called scarred which i hadnt heard of played and they were alright i guess but i don't know how they headlined over agent steel, must've had connections or something. nevermore came on last and played a massive set which was pretty much exactly the dvd filming set, but instead of matricide i think they played engines of hate. a lot of cool stuff happened during nevermores set such as warrel saying awaken awaken before the river dragon has come which i think was a reference to the newest dethklok episode and also jeff did the jet to jet solo section and there was a lot of crowd interaction, especially warrel talking to people who were screaming battle angels, cbf, or other songs they wouldn't play =P steve was absent still but chris filled in fine and they played perfectly tight and the sound was great. even though it was a long day it was really fun and finally seeing a headlining nevermore set kicked tons of ass and it really wasn't crowded when they played at all so it was just fun and no pain of people squishing you or anything. since the dvd filming and them playing this i hope the next tour they do will be headlining. I also hope they have future power prog west festivals and they can get more bands over from europe instead of just local bands because it didnt seem to draw a big enough crowd, if nevermore wasn't there they probably wouldn't have had very many people at all.
Dude, pause more often, break paragraphs, and use capitals at the beginning of a sentance. Otherwise, nice.
Yeah, c'mon, if you don't wanna capitalize sentences, at least make it a run-on sentence so we have something else to cringe about!
my only comments are:

Goddamn the singer of Benedictum is hot
Warrel needs to make sure he knows the lyrics before he goes on stage. :p He forgot the lyrics to three songs.

but it was a fucking awesome night. I was right upfront and saw MetalSteph runnin around taking all of the pictures. Can't wait to see them!

Picture of the Benedictum singer from their myspace:
Okay... TripSurreal... that display picture needs to go before others realize it.
my muscles are all fatigued since all I had to eat yesterday was breakfast and a bunch of water at the show. but it was totally fucking worth it
unknown said:
my only comments are:

Goddamn the singer of Benedictum is hot
Warrel needs to make sure he knows the lyrics before he goes on stage. :p He forgot the lyrics to three songs.

but it was a fucking awesome night. I was right upfront and saw MetalSteph runnin around taking all of the pictures. Can't wait to see them!

Picture of the Benedictum singer from their myspace:

do you want her cell phone number? ;) i was actually sitting down by the couch in the front room and found a piece of paper. apparently it was the band schedule along with the writing "Benedictum-Veronica Cell# 619-347-XXXX"
lucifer1126 said:
do you want her cell phone number? ;) i was actually sitting down by the couch in the front room and found a piece of paper. apparently it was the band schedule along with the writing "Benedictum-Veronica Cell# 619-347-XXXX"

haha! thanks for the offer. I would just let her know it's usually not a good idea to leave her number laying around.

I'm not too cool on the whole stalker thing