hahahahaha, Milano just got banned from the Anthrax board

dill_the_devil said:
Didn't spot the Armored Saint post... but even so, you went to Milano's board and posted directly at him, trying to start shit... it all just seems rather pointless...

Actually, this latest shit resulting in him getting banned was him coming to the Anthrax board talking shit. The thing with me going over to his is old news.

And now he's on his board telling the interenet tough guys that he's on tour with Crisis June and July, come see him ready to throw down.

Who wants to lay down bets on how long it will take for Karyn to kick his ASS??
lizard said:
Ayeka, the point is, this guy postures himself as the big dog on the block, afraid of nothing, untrammeled, practically daring others to contradict him, throwing down the gauntlet to one and all to step up and say something. And then when they do he turns into a 280 lb diaper wearing infant.

Yeah, I've gathered this all along. Like I said, I can see why PJ wants to provoke him, but I'm just thinking it's gone on long enough already. PJ made his point awhile back already.

I can't really do much else than sit back and watch the drama now I guess :loco:
Ayeka said:
Yeah, I've gathered this all along. Like I said, I can see why PJ wants to provoke him, but I'm just thinking it's gone on long enough already. PJ made his point awhile back already.

I can't really do much else than sit back and watch the drama now I guess :loco:

And again, Robert, I did not go to him provoking him. I was at the ANTHRAX board, when fat ass decided to come at me over there. Come at Papa like that and you will get dished words that you probably won't like.
Hahaha. About 20 threads were locked on his forum. Too funny.

And in the sticky below that:

I think you people will never have the courage to face me let alone try and debate me. So I have decided to shut my message board down. It's beneath me to talk to most of you anyway. I could give a fuck if your a fan of MOD/SOD or even POD. I just don't care.
I will have my site up soon and I will express myself that way. You have my permission not to read or to read what I choose to express. These forums are exactly why freedom of speech is over rated and flawed. I hope you people have fun kissing charlie and scotts ass. I will never do SOD again and to all you SOD fans, I'm happy it pisses you off. SHIT THRAX has about 2 years before they come crawling again for me to do SOD. Oh that's right, SCott and Nuclear Blast contacted me 2 weeks ago to do SOD. HAHAHAH
Sorry, no SOD- NEver -never-never again with that kike. Nothing is worth getting in a room with JEWcifwer and Charlene Bitchante.
When I think about Darrel being murdered all I can say is I would rather it have been- Scott and Charlie- at least I wouldn't be sad.

The guy is fucking paranoid!! He accused all of his long time fans of secretly going to the Anthrax board and talking shit about him. He then poceeded to tell me he hopes my mother dies of cancer ( she did have cancer) . I did nothing to the dude except tell him I was sick of seeing every post that was about how Anthrax stole his ideas, how they tried to copyright the NY hardcore logo. Hes gone over the deepend.

Then he called me gay, I said no Billy I just got done reading how you are gay


And the next thing I know he wants Deron to close his board.......Thats so gay.
He then poceeded to tell me he hopes my mother dies of cancer ( she did have cancer) . I did nothing to the dude except tell him I was sick of seeing every post that was about how Anthrax stole his ideas, how they tried to copyright the NY hardcore logo. Hes gone over the deepend.
What a complete cow and a jerk. They should ban him from UM for that (if he wasn't leaving).

Eek at the press release. Isn't shutting the message board down preventing freedom of speech in itself? :p

I won't miss his board too much either.
What the heck is this?

Global Associated News said:
“Feeling the strength and power of another man straddling me from behind was an amazing turn-on. I tried it once and was hooked!” said Billy Milano in an interview with UJ reporters. This new-found passion in his life is what drove him to be penetrated by over 100 other men in one weekend.

“People come out of the closet every day”, said Billy Milano, but he wanted to come out of the closet with ‘a bang’ by filming himself in this expression of individual sexual freedom. Almost everyone he knows is oblivious to his sexual preference, however, they will get an eyeful when this soon to be cult classic hits the video-store shelves!