Hailz vintersorg!

Speaking of your thread title, "Hailz Vintersorg", I am currently working on an album totally dedicated to the works of Andreas Hedlund. True, it cannot be anywhere as good as the original, but it's a dedication album that I am doing pretty much just for myself, aside from my own material.
I am covering everything from Otyg to Havayoth. I even plan to cover a Cosmic Death tune.
Also, I am writting a song merely to and about him and his music, how much it means to me and changed my life.
Which... I think that is pretty cool!
If you're interested, I'll keep you updated. Skål!
Sure thing!
At the moment, I haven't got any posted anywhere. Ummm... I am thinking about designing a webpage in the near future. Besides, as of right now, I have it incomplete. I have it recorded in my own studio, but I use another studio for final recordings - top of the line stuff. But yes, I will surely keep everybody updated on it, maybe E-mail a demo of it to some. Skål!
Heh... everybody has to wait. Not even my own mums and friends has heard it yet.
However, I did promise Henrik that I'd send him a copy of it, personally, after it is complete or near completion. Right now, I'm trying to design an awsome album art design of it - also an album title. I'm thinking of: "Galdersång Till Folkfadern: En tillägnan Andreas Hedlund". Does that sound good?
More good news of this album!
It is almost near completion. I need good female vocals, then I will master those and it will be ready for realease. The only problem is, finding good female vocals. I don't think Cia's voice can be copied by another, her's just... is beautiful. Hehe... I wish I knew her or even Doro Pesch. Best vocals in the business, I feel. Haha.
But yes, once I find a good lady to help me out with this problem, I will tell you guys/girls, and will send you all a copy personally. When it's done, I will need your mailing addresses and/or E-mail addresses to either send you the general copy or a digital copy.
Don't worry about charge or cost. It's a gift! From one Vintersorg fan to another. Besides, I don't think the copywrite laws would approve of me charging.