Resistance Records & Vintersorg


Dec 12, 2001
Luzern, Switzerland
Hi all!

I've a question: I've just seen that Vintersorg-CD's are available at the Resistance Records website (i.e.
If you don't know yet, Resistance Records is a mailorder that sales 100% nazi-stuff only (CD's, books, clothes etc.).

My question is: why are Vintersorg-CD's available there? I guess you (Vintersorg and the band) don't have anything to do with that, right? How do the CD's get there? I hope that you can help me, I'm really wondering right now!

Thanks in advance!
Ah yes, what I forgot to mention: I don't surf on pages like that usually, I've seen the link in another forum where somebody was wondering why Vintersorg-CD's are available at Resistance Records. Didn't know the site 'till today, but I thought I'd make a thread in the forum and ask the master himself ;)

Would be really glad if somebody could answer me my questions!
Last time Vintersorg responded to this question I think he said something along the lines of how he has nothing to do with it and that you should ask Napalm. Maybe I am wrong though :loco:
We as a band aren't in position to say who and where our albums will be sold, I mean the site mentioned can buy a bunch of albums from a local distributor and sell, all tthose things aren't in our hands.......we record and deliver, who's buying is out of our control. It like the brand Cocal Cola, they can't say which people that's allowed to buy and drink it........

mr V
This question has already been asked? Sorry, didn't know! I thought that he has nothing to do with that, but I'm still wondering about how Resistance gets those Vintersorg-CD's...

Thanks for your answer!
Originally posted by Vintersorg
We as a band aren't in position to say who and where our albums will be sold, I mean the site mentioned can buy a bunch of albums from a local distributor and sell, all tthose things aren't in our hands.......we record and deliver, who's buying is out of our control. It like the brand Cocal Cola, they can't say which people that's allowed to buy and drink it........

mr V

Thanks for your answer, Vintersorg! :) I know exactly what you mean... Well, but I guess that you aren't happy that a Nazi store sales your CD's? As far as I have seen, you are the only band there that isn't a Nazi band, and you are listed under "NS Black Metal". However, you don't have to care actually who sales your CD's, but the band could get a wrong "image".... Ahhh, it's not the right word but I guess you know what I mean ;) I just hate it when Vintersorg is sold as "NS Black Metal" since I'm really against NS Black Metal.

Thanks for your time again!
Well, don't spend precious time about dwelling upon such things, as I don't. If I would wonder about all things and rumors that are spread about me and us I would boil my brain. The only things that's relevant with Vintersorg is on the official site.

mr v
Or here ;) Or do you meen that what kind of weather your fans have, or what color their underwear are, is not relevant? :mad:


-phyros ( not a relevant post )
jope, here you'll find relevant issues as well, that's why I'm participating on this forum, to speak my mind. It's better you hear it direct from me, than from the 100 person that's telling the story. and of course this place is nice just to chat with equal minded folk about everything and nothing!!!!...hehehehehehe

mr V
Originally posted by Vintersorg
Well, don't spend precious time about dwelling upon such things, as I don't. If I would wonder about all things and rumors that are spread about me and us I would boil my brain. The only things that's relevant with Vintersorg is on the official site.

mr v

So true yeah! It's just interesting how much crap is told out there about bands. Well, you can't control it anyway, so...
By the way, I think it's just GREAT that you participate on this forum and answer the questions we have, but I guess I said that 193838 times already! :grin: That is just one reason that makes you one of the most sympathetic artists in the whole metal scene.

Take care and greetings from Switzerland
bah its just too easy for music bands to get labeled and have lots of rumors and else going around. by the commun music listeners
a metal band get labeled as satan worshippers at the second there is 1 line of black metal vocals so , since then , theres nothing to be surprised about if you see some bands labeled as nazi or any other kind of things when its not the case at all.