Hallo People


New Metal Member
Mar 4, 2005
Hey, I'm new here.
My name is Itay from the holy land of Israel!
I just started with orphaned-land an' im gonna buy
their latest CD soon!
Sooo.... HELLO!
I'm 15 years old, From Israel, I'm a student in the 9th grade now.
And hmmm... My little cute friend Noy got me into the orphaned-land scene (Love u Noy hehe :grin: )
I also like to listen to Megadeth, Metallica and many more Thrash Metal bands....
I guess that's what I have to say... :hotjump:
Orphaned Matti said:
Hey Maan (Jameican accent :)) How's life?

Do you play an instrument? becuase I was 15 when I started playing guitar... I just saw some picks and felt like sharing with you.

Nah, I don't play anything right now but I wanna learn drums...
Hehehe- hear the drummer get wicked.

Cool- I have been into metal since I was around 14. First rockbands and then it got heavier and heavier. And look where I am today. But the scene was very very different back then, metal was more of an underground thing.

I think this is the way OL gets spread> you are introduced to their music through a friend. I "infected"a lot of my friends already.