

Jan 22, 2007
Ok guys. Since I know you're such a creative bunch I've come here to seek your advice on my Halloween costumes for this year.

I'll be going to at least 2 different events on different nights so I'm looking for multiple ideas.

I was gonna go with The Joker, but that's gonna be beaten to shit this year and probably next. I thought about a cleaned-up Amy Winehouse (as I'm not thin enough to pull off crackhead and everyone expects the crackhead version) but that's a bit too easy for my taste.

My backup costumes every year are Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas (I make the dress from scratch and by hand), a talking mime (easy and an oxymoron) and Vampira (another easy one for me).

I want to be glamed up this year. I want fabulous and over-the-top. PROTIP: I'll likely be going to a Fetish Ball at least one night.

Two obstacles -- I have multi-colored hair down to my waist which I refuse to cut or dye and I can only afford a cheap wig. I'm thin, but I'm busty. I can't pull off a junkie or rail-thin figure.

I'm also working on a budget, so nothing too expensive such as elaborate wigs or things I can't make myself. I'll likely be buying fabric and making the entire costumes by hand.

Any ideas, post them here. and anyone who's in the same boat, looking for suggestions, post it!
I had to google that :lol:

I approve
I dont really know what im doing this year. Im going to a party with a bunch of my old college friends (and some current college cuties,) and Im not sure what I want to go as.

I was thinking nerd (have the glasses, need a pocket protector and some suspenders,) but that's kinda lame. I have a pinstriped suit in my closet that used to be my fathers, and it would be perfect for a 30's style gangster, but i dont own a fedora or a tommy gun, and that's kind of over done as well.

Any suggestions?

LR: Go vampira. It never fails.