Halo 3...

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
So, I bought Halo 3 for the XBOX 360, being a huge Halo 1 fan. So here's where I thought I was crazy, but after some research, I found out this is very legit... So, I've been trying to play the single player campaign Halo 3. I play for about 10 minutes, and I start to get sick, physically. Nausea sets in, and I feel horrible. Well, after several nights of this happening, I pushed it, and continued to play it. After about 45 minutes, I was so sick, I thought I was on a boat. The nausea was horrible, and I actually had to lay down.

Looking this up online, there's a lot of people who suffer from this on a few games. Half Life 2, and Halo 3 are big culprits. It's called "Simulator Sickness" and has to do the the 60 fps frame rate. I guess the old Halo games were 30 fps. I'm in that percentage whose brain can process the 60 fps quickly enough, and it causes severe motion sickness. Bottom line, I don't think I can play this game. I can't believe this, as I've been a gamer my whole life, and I have NEVER had this issue with any other game. It's worse then a bad hangover.
Yes actually. My entire life, motion sickness has been a problem. Even on a docked gambling boat, I can feel the boat moving and get mildly sick. Hell, I remember getting motion sick on a water bed. hahaha. It's brutal for me. Whenever I travel, by plane, or long automobile ride, I use Dramamine. I just don't want to have to take Dramamine to play a video game. I'm still stunned by this, and have been reading more and more about it. For some reason, this game makes your mind think you're in motion.
crazy story. I still haven't been able to find my xbox's receipt, so I can't send away to get it fixed. I might just wind up getting a brand new one. I have that stupid red blinking ring of death going on. ugh. I've had that happening for months
That is indeed very weird. Sometimes If im on the internet too long I feel sick or as if im going to go insane, lol.
Wow, it's good to hear that I am not the only one. 007 on N64 used to do that, Halo always has, and Halo 3 definitely does too. Any FPS doe that to me really though. But, the thing for me is, If I am playing, I don't get sick, if I watch other people play, I get so sick I have to leave. The other night, I got Halo3 before playing, we played Madden 08 for like 2 hours, Finally after getting the football out of our systems, I unpacked my Xbox 360 (yeah, I bring it to my friends house to play, so we can smoke inside and play) And for the first time put my brand new copy of Halo3 in. To my frustration (of waiting 3 years for the game) I was finally looking at it, I realized I forgot my fucking controller port extention for the second controller, imagine my frustration!!!!! Anyway, I decided to let my buddy play, while I ran back to my place (now 3 in the AM) to get the stupid thing. I decided to have a look at the game before leaving, so I watched for about 20 minutes. As soon as I left his place, I began to feel nausea, and had some mean cold sweats and dizzyness. It took about 30 minutes to feel better, then left to go back to his place. I got there and we played till 8 AM, got to the 5th or 6th level, and we were so tired, we had to call it quits.

I didn't get sick at all when we were playing, same goes for all the thousands of hours playing Halo 2 Multi, but if there was a third or 4th person playing, and I had to wait for the next turn, sure as shit I would get deathly ill.

Weird huh?

Sucks for you Paul, that you can't play though.

By the way, what are peoples thoughts on the actual game? I was not that impressed, It's still a blast, nothing terribly new there, but that's ok, it's exactly what I wanted, an extended Halo 2!

Hey Paul, if you are looking for a great game, that has NOT made me sick, and IMHO is better than H3, try Bioshock, that game is amazing!
Man I am in the same boat. I am so dissapointed.

What really suprised me is that I can play GhostRecon 1 and 2 and Rainbow six with friends online for hours and hours at a time. So the thought of simulator sickness never even crossed my mind until we all got Halo 3:
I loaded it up and after about 30 minutes or so sometimes much sooner, I have broken out into a sweat, get very nauseas and I am ready to :puke:

I tried playing again on the weekend and after a short session I had to flake out on the couch for an hour to recover.

It just doesnt work when you are playing coop with mates and they say "help help I am under attack" and I can't help them because I have my head in a bucket.
I have to take this off my play list, or buy a bigger bucket :)

Man I am in the same boat. I am so dissapointed.

What really suprised me is that I can play GhostRecon 1 and 2 and Rainbow six with friends online for hours and hours at a time. So the thought of simulator sickness never even crossed my mind until we all got Halo 3:
I loaded it up and after about 30 minutes or so sometimes much sooner, I have broken out into a sweat, get very nauseas and I am ready to :puke:

I tried playing again on the weekend and after a short session I had to flake out on the couch for an hour to recover.

It just doesnt work when you are playing coop with mates and they say "help help I am under attack" and I can't help them because I have my head in a bucket.
I have to take this off my play list, or buy a bigger bucket :)


Man, I feel for you. I'm just glad I'm not insane. I was really thinking I was losing my mind with this! I tell you, it's the frame rate. Rainbow six is 30 I believe, because I can and have played for many hours. But Halo 3... :puke:
Man, I feel for you. I'm just glad I'm not insane. I was really thinking I was losing my mind with this!

Losing my mind I can handle, but losing my lunch while playing; thats another story.

Just to prove the point I played GRAW2 for 3 hours lastnight on my 52inch Hidef screen. No Ill effects whatsoever. Then I tried halo3 again from the same seating position and after 10 mins.... I got that oozey feeling and had to retire for the night. Man I love Halo but I just can't handle the nausea :erk:.

Oh Well... Asassins Creed and Mass Effect come out soon.. fingers crossed no nausea.
Paul do you get the same effects if you play on a smaller tv?

I'm digging the game quite a bit but I have to hold off serious gaming till our CD is done LOL. By then Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, Cane and Lynch, Ninja Gaiden2, and a few others will be raping my wallet.

Will, you shouldn't need your receipt for your 360 and their new extended warranty.
Paul do you get the same effects if you play on a smaller tv?

I'm digging the game quite a bit but I have to hold off serious gaming till our CD is done LOL. By then Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, Cane and Lynch, Ninja Gaiden2, and a few others will be raping my wallet.

Will, you shouldn't need your receipt for your 360 and their new extended warranty.

I play on a HD 50" Plasma. The XBOX 360 is AMAZING on this TV. I may be able to play it on a smaller TV, but it would be a huge pain in the ass to move it to another room just to play one game. I mean, looking at it realistically, Halo is a good game, but there are better to play that don't cause me to vomit. :lol: