
It's the only thing I can go as, unless I wear my Joey Jordison mask. :lol: My store manager wanted us to dress up because she is, so I thought 'why not'. I have a black top, I'll wear black jeans and I've got black motorbike boots and gloves. Should be good.

I only work in a supermarket, nothing special, but we're allowed to wear whatever we want. I did it last year and I was the ONLY person to dress up.
My Ash Ketchem costume was shit, but I did manage to make a decent T-shirt from carving out a Charmander stencil and spraypainting a t-shirt.
Three people recognized the outfit. I totally forgot to flash my gym badges, which is a good thing since I cut them from a tin baking sheet so they all folded up and went shitty.

Tomorrow, I replace my pokeballs made from painted chrismas ornaments superglued to a belt, with fishing bobbers which would have made 29i897928349324 times more sence than painting all that shit...all where knocked off really fast too, fucking bullshit.

guess what thread Im posting in next...fuck yeearr.
Oooo, the day's come! Have a good Halloween everyone... :cool:

I'm going into work as this guy:


I don't think I'd get away with brigning in a real knife though...:lol:
Hahaha, I approve! :lol:
I just got blood painted in my face and arms yesterday but if I had alot more time to make something up, i whould have chosen something simular to this:
So everyone wore regular cloths, put on a mask/makeup, can called it a costume? Gah!
My costume was faily shitty, and all my pokeballs got lost, but there was at least effort :p
^That looks awesome!!!

So everyone wore regular cloths, put on a mask/makeup, can called it a costume? Gah!
My costume was faily shitty, and all my pokeballs got lost, but there was at least effort :p

My store manager said to me the day before that she'd prefer it if as many people as possible made an effort. I was just going to go in normal work clothes, but I decided I would do that as a last minute resort for a laugh.

Made a few children cry and scared a few adults just by being there like that, so it's not that innocent. :kickass: