Hammerfall concert review.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I wish I'd be a writer like TSO, I have so many things in my mind I wish I can put into writing regarding yesterday night experience. I'll try my best to summarize it:

I arrived around 19:00 and already a huge bunch was gathered outside the venue (indoor) in the parking lot. As always logistics weren't that good and nobody was certain if that was the proper file or not. After awhile one of the secutiry guards came and told some of us that we were in the underage file :lol: So we switch to what was now a big ess of black shirts, long hair (some) and assorted regalia (chains, spikes, leather, etc.)

Around 20:00 finally the file begun to move and we entered the venue were the opening act was starting playing (nothing to record from this). Most of the people were already gathered in front of the stage and I was beside the speakers and getting shaked so I moved to the back looking for a better angle.
Considering the facts that:
  1. I'm short
  2. the armpit factor could be high in the mob
I decided to move to the second floor because I really want to enjoy the sight of the band and the show. I know the music well and I wanted more a visual than a sound experience this time. I found a neat space in the balcony near the stairs with a great view of the band (except for the drums maybe).

Around 21:00 finally Hammerfall took the stage, first Anders got into the drumkit, then came Magnus (dressed so damn silly, if he only wear makeup would have been a Kiss member), then Stefan, Oscar and finally Joacim.

The crowd was roaring and they started with 'Secrets' form their last album. The whole setlist was pretty equilibrated covering material from all their albums.
After 'Destined for Glory' it came the traditional drum solo. I'm not fond of them and I consider them useless, but this time Anders Johanssen kicked my ass, the guy not only perform brilliantly, he also managed the crowd greatly. Amidst his solo he started the intro to 'Run To The Hills' using the audience as chorus with only oh oh oh, then he continued and then again improvised with the intro to 'Painkiller'. The crowd was static after he finished and the guy is undoubtedly a great asset of the band.

For 'Glory To The Brave' (only ballad of the night, and a must be IMO) before the last return of the chorus, Stefan stopped on purpouse and Joacim started to tease him which allow Stefan to play some killer riffs while the audience cherish and laugh to all the teasing of Cans. Then Stefan started 'Enter Sandman' and the band carry it until the chorus which made the place roar with Enter night Exit light (or whatever), they suddenly cut and ask shall we continue with Glory to the Brave. An expected YES came and they finished the song with a great sing along.

The band knows how to manage the crowd for sure, I was impressed with their charisma, the vocals of Can live and the guitar playing. Joacim teased the crown regarding the time Costa Rica won 2-1 to Sweden on the 90' World Cup and he promised next time will be ours.
I'm also amazed of the great response of the audience singing along and cheering, I was worried because the traditional audience here has been a lot about extreme metal and moshing, but yesterday night was about fisting, headbanging, cheering, singing and great vibe.

An odd choice was 'Knights Of The 21st Century' because they had to used tracks for Chronos vocals, on the other hand the perfect timing of Cans with the tracks impressed me a lot for its technicality and precision.

The band finished with 'Hammer of Justice' and of course the crowd scream for an encore so they returned with 'Heeding The Call' (which I was almost desperate to hear) and 'Blood Bound' and they retired. But the crowd wasn't satisfied and keep asking for 'Hearts On Fire' so after a lot of screaming, the band returned to render one last song as asked. I thought the balcony was abouty to fall with so much jumping an screaming.

Finally the band reunited, once again expressed their joy and appreciation for the country and the crowd, promised to return and bowed. Pure class act.

If I liked Hammerfall before, after seeing them live I like them better. I'm very impressed with their quality on stage and their candor and energy.

Only bad point: the IMBECILE doing the sound which doesn't know anything about feedback, he screwed several times especially in the last encore.

Personal low point: they didn't play 'Trailblazers'.

Curiosity/highlight: except for the 'Enter Sandman' joke they didn't play a single cover! Most bands I know rely a lot on their composition for the albums but like to play covers live, Hammerfall has covered many songs in their career but rely only on original material live (I must confess I do missed 'Child Of The Damned' and 'Eternal Night' too)


'Riders of The Storm'
'Renegade' :headbang:
'Let The Hammerfall'
'Living In Victory'
'Destined For Glory'
Drum solo
'Fury Of The Wild' :headbang:
Medley: 'Glory To The Brave'/Improvisation/'Enter Sandman'(bit)/'Glory To The Brave'
'Knights Of The 21st Century'
'Hammer Of Justice'
'Crimson Thunder'
'Templars Of Steel'
Encore: 'Heeding The Call' :headbang: + 'Blood Bound'
Final Encore: 'Hearts On Fire'

Score: 8.5/10 due to sound and 'Trailblazers' :D
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
^is that Yoda when he was a baby?

You might not write with my creative vision and technical skills, Wvyern ol' buddy, but you certainly write with passion! Great review. Sounds like Hammerfall would be an interesting band to see live.

I humbly take your words with kindness. Passion was indeed the best feeling to summarize my experience with Hammerfall.

They may not be the greatest band to see live, sadly my experience over the years with live gigs is scarce and void of grandeur, so in a sense this is like loosing my virginity :tickled: And it's say you never forget your first time :p

Thanks to all for the good vibes. I hope those of you being able to check them live this tour will do it. No matter what their detractors may say, to me they represented vehemently the true spirit of HEAVY METAL on that night, and that's the world IMO.
Looks like they're playing a lot more off of the last 3 albums then off of the first 2 albums. I'm surprised that they're not ending with the song "Hammerfall" anymore! What's the world come to...