Hammerfall new album review.

[ Hammerfall, Dream Evil, Cryonic Temple or Majesty but I can't stand Manowar.[/QUOTE]

I love all these bands hahahaha. Sorry I only have the latest from Cryonic Temple and Majesty but I like them alot, thanks to the Limb distributions for making these available. Im waiting on a new Manowar.
I buy all the Hammy releases, their formula does not tire me.

Although my fav is GTTB and will always be as it has a very classic-maidenish sound :cool:
Pabla said:
I buy all the Hammy releases, their formula does not tire me.

Although my fav is GTTB and will always be as it has a very classic-maidenish sound :cool:

Well swettie we DO have something to sing along at PPVII after all :p

[ Hammerfall, Dream Evil, Cryonic Temple or Majesty but I can't stand Manowar.
I love all these bands hahahaha. Sorry I only have the latest from Cryonic Temple and Majesty but I like them alot, thanks to the Limb distributions for making these available. Im waiting on a new Manowar.

Cool! I thought I was the only cheese consumer around the forum :lol: I can recommend for CT their debut especially (available on Underground Symphony), as for Majesty their third "Reign In Glory" is my fave.

Mostly al that stuff is available online thru several distros providing you really want them (as I did), and I'm waiting the new DE coming soon.
I thought we could listen to the new maiden wyv my boy! :Saint:

Meh, you just need to hear it more... maybe it will sink in :u-huh:

Am I harrassing you or what? :heh:

I am sure we'll have plenty to sing along to... we share love for some of the same bands
Well Im listening To Chapter V right now and I cant wait for the new album. I listen to all metal accept radio stuff really. I mean This month i bought Unearth, Slayer, Mayhem, Gwar, Deicde and am awaiting Blind Guardians new one and Maiden next week. If its metal i eat it up. Since we are talking about traditional metal and such does anyone here listen to DUNGEON!?!?!?! I love these guys and am awaitng the new Lord cd.

Also crazy story, this morning my GF who listens to alternative rock stuff calls me driving down the highway and goes " HEY IS THIS DRAGONFORCE?"" and she put the phone up to the speaker and sure as shit they were playing Through The Fire and The Flames at 7 in the morning. On alternative radio none the less.
Cool! I thought I was the only cheese consumer around the forum :lol: I can recommend for CT their debut especially (available on Underground Symphony), as for Majesty their third "Reign In Glory" is my fave.

Maybe its because im still younger than everyone else here but i actually take the cheese stuff seriously. Maybe its my love of battle and dragons. Maybe im really just a big dork. Yes thats it.
Maybe its because im still younger than everyone else here but i actually take the cheese stuff seriously. Maybe its my love of battle and dragons. Maybe im really just a big dork. Yes thats it.

Nah you like euro power metal and cheese power bands, you're alright in my book :rock:
Wyvern said:
Nah you like euro power metal and cheese power bands, you're alright in my book :rock:

Sweetness , i was still excited they played Dragonforce on the radio. Now if theyd just play Nevermore, Edugy, and Hmmerfall, well life would be grand.
Ther new album is great. Natural High is the best song they have written in years. I would say this is better than Renegade and Chapter 5 and and probably just as good if not better than Crimson Thunder. This is the happiest Ive been with a Hammerfall album since Legacy Of Kings. Granted its not great song after great song but its def. more solid and diverse than their last coupe. Genocide is killer and Reign of The Hammer is indeed the best Instrumental they have written. Rebel Inside does get a little tedious but its still solid. Thank god for this and the new Haunted album as the last good records I bought were Wolf and Amon Amarth.
Ther new album is great. Natural High is the best song they have written in years. I would say this is better than Renegade and Chapter 5 and and probably just as good if not better than Crimson Thunder. This is the happiest Ive been with a Hammerfall album since Legacy Of Kings. Granted its not great song after great song but its def. more solid and diverse than their last coupe. Genocide is killer and Reign of The Hammer is indeed the best Instrumental they have written. Rebel Inside does get a little tedious but its still solid. Thank god for this and the new Haunted album as the last good records I bought were Wolf and Amon Amarth.

Good to hear. Actualy since my copy is on the way, I hadn't recheck it since the original review. :rock:
I was a huge fan of HF after Glory and Legacy of Kings, but every album since has been less and less remarkable. Don't know if I'm gonna bother getting this one
Since we are talking about traditional metal and such does anyone here listen to DUNGEON!?!?!?! I love these guys and am awaitng the new Lord cd.

YES!! Dungeon is great! I've got the Enhanced 'One Step Beyond' CD which was one of my better blind buys from Rhino Records. Be sure to let us know how the new album is - I'd like to add more from them to my library.

Cool! I thought I was the only cheese consumer around the forum :lol: I can recommend for CT their debut especially (available on Underground Symphony), as for Majesty their third "Reign In Glory" is my fave.

Maybe its because im still younger than everyone else here but i actually take the cheese stuff seriously. Maybe its my love of battle and dragons. Maybe im really just a big dork. Yes thats it.

Did somebody say CHEESE???!!! I can't get enough of the stuff, personally - hmmm.... maybe it's because I'm older than everybody else here or maybe I just have a soft spot for power polka LOL.

Great to know there's have another big PM fan around!!
Anyone hear Celesty's new CD yet?

Cool! I thought I was the only cheese consumer around the forum :lol: I can recommend for CT their debut especially (available on Underground Symphony), as for Majesty their third "Reign In Glory" is my fave.

The Cryonic Temple debut is indeed great, as for Majesty I'm a bit between the three first albums since all have songs that hit me hard. But the new one "Hellforces" delivers cheese with nice quality.

As for Hammerfall playing my copy right now. Only the third song and I'm already satisfied totally with the purchase.
As I stated before is pure Hammerfall, is what I expected from Hamerfall, what I want from Hammerfall.

So long live the good cheese (meaning I don't like Manowar :heh: ).
Well I have Dungeons Rise To Power, Resurrection, and One Step Beyond all are great. Resurrection is awesome though. Lord Tim is working on the last Dungeon album and the new Lord album now. You can here some of the new Lord stuff on his Myspace page, he actually writes you back which is pretty cool. During the summer Limb Music released a shitload of power metal but its kinda died off lately. I wish Labrinth would release an album as good as Return To Heaven To Denied. I havent heard Celesty. Natural High has the catchiest chorus on the new HF album. The new Wolf and the last Stormwarrior albums are both great. THe last Galloglass album is really good, some of it sounds like youve heard it twenty times before but its still extremely solid.