
Power Metal Maniac
Jul 8, 2005
Dixieland USA
I may be in the vocal minority on this one, but I'd LOVE to see HF as a headliner or main supporting band at a future PPUSA. HF is one of my favorite metal acts of all time. I know I'm gonna catch some flak for this opinion, but I've loved this band ever since I heard their legendary LoK CD several years back, and it's still my favorite HF disc to this very day! Let the hammer fall!:worship:rock::kickass:
The only reason I would vote no is that these guys already do headline tours here in the States and I'd like those slots to be for bands that don't tour over here all that often. I would vote for yes if they do something just for ProgPower. I've got to say I was a little dissapointed with Sonata this year that they didn't do anything different for ProgPower than any other of their State shows.
I think they would make a great headliner and they should do something special just for this festival. It's been awhile since I last saw them with Edguy. I am very much looking forward to them coming back.
Hammerfall is another favorite of mine which seems to get alot negative feedback on this forum.But I for one would love to see them at Progpower,as I have only seen them once with Edguy in NY a couple years ago.In my opinion music is entertainment and should be fun and I find Hammerfall has fun with what their doing,and some may call it cheeze metal so be it.They are proud to be a power metal band which is reflected in thier lyrics,some find it annoying,but I like them.It seems 7thSavior you and I have similar taste,I also responded in your Freedom Call post.
The question is how many people will travel to Atlanta just to see them? Since they have appeared in most parts of the country, it will not be much of a "HammerFall?!? Yeah! Book me to Atlanta!" type pick. So, unless HF does something beyond the wildest imaginations, they will probably not appear at PPUSA.
I like Hammerfall. I just don't see them getting picked. Too many people don't care for them. I've always liked their cheesiness and how they get the name of the group into at least one song every album. I think the only album I didn't like from them is Renegade. Pretty bad album.
Hmmmm, hello there . . . do I know you from somewhere . . . else? :kickass:

m/ Hammer

Bahahahaha! Awesome, I think I do know you from elsewhere. :D It's a small internet world (tra la la, la la, lalalalala...) :lol:

As for people travelling to Atlanta to see HF: Why not? They'll do it for Nightwish, Sonata Arctica, and other popular metal bands, and I believe HF falls into the categor of "popular metal bands" at this point. Well, reasonably popular in the US for a European band, that is.
Another band I'd love to see, but am nervous that they'll ever play Prog Power. Although their performance on One Crimson Night makes me believe that they'd be awesome live, I'm not liking the lackluster support this topic has gotten...
I've tried to get into this band in the past, but they just fell short for me. I can understand why someone would think they are headlining material judging from their catalog and success.

The question is how many people will travel to Atlanta just to see them? Since they have appeared in most parts of the country, it will not be much of a "HammerFall?!? Yeah! Book me to Atlanta!" type pick. So, unless HF does something beyond the wildest imaginations, they will probably not appear at PPUSA.

They haven't played the US since 2005 (would make over 3 years by the time ProgPower rolls around) and they've only like done 2 other tours since then with their first being in 1998/1999 supporting Death. It's not like they come here often.

If Sonata headlined when they had only played the US a year and a half prior, there's no reason why Hammerfall couldn't be on the bill.
They haven't played the US since 2005 (would make over 3 years by the time ProgPower rolls around) and they've only like done 2 other tours since then with their first being in 1998/1999 supporting Death. It's not like they come here often.

If Sonata headlined when they had only played the US a year and a half prior, there's no reason why Hammerfall couldn't be on the bill.

I agree. Especially if it was a special one off at PPUSA for Hammerfall, whereas Sonata's appearance was just another stop on their second tour. A tour which was only the second of three consecutive back to back US tours.
If I had a vote on weather hammerfall was there or not, I would have to respectfully vote against them. I saw them when they went on tour with Edguy back in 2006 and they did not impress me all that much. Edguy was their co-headliner and they totally blew Hammerfall off the stage. Now don't get me wrong, I dig them and all and I am not just saying that because I am the biggest edguy fan in the world, but they just did not get me pumping the way that edguy did. They were boring in my opinion. However, they would not hold me back from going to Atlanta my all means and I would go and see them again in concert if they were to come around again.

Stay Metal!!!