Hammers of Misfortune - The August Engine

Yet another unfitting racial slur... I'm a cultural mystery! :tickled:

Lurch, I'll burn you a CD-R if you sendeth thy address my way via PM and shit.
so i have about 30 pics (20 mb worth) from last night's show ... want to upload them ... but i don't want my bandwith sucked up. Sir JK ... can i ftp them up somewhere for you ... can i email them somewhere in batches of 7MB each ???

the pics of the crazy headbanging kids are priceless
Lurch, I'll burn you a CD-R if you sendeth thy address my way via PM and shit.
thanks dude ... wanted to buy it last night .. but this HOM band went on tour with the CD sold out .. wtf? I had money for it too ... which eventually was wasted on some bird ... trying to get her drunk :loco: (sorry for leaving the show early JK)
lurch70 said:
so i have about 30 pics (20 mb worth) from last night's show ... want to upload them ... but i don't want my bandwith sucked up. Sir JK ... can i ftp them up somewhere for you ... can i email them somewhere in batches of 7MB each ???

the pics of the crazy headbanging kids are priceless
e-mail will be nuts. I guess ftp is the way to go. Er, never done this - you just need my server ftp address I guess right? Plus a directory folder?

I'm just uploading some sample pics to my server now.
nevermind ... i am uploading them to my server now
anyone want them they have to get them in the next day or so.
will post the link
form the Brooklyn show last night ... i think this pic defines the evening.
funny thing is I was expecting a lot of old farts like myself at this show; and while we were definetelly representing the geriatric community ... what made it interesting is the young whipper snappers freaking like this:

That picture says it all. Absolute devout worship from fans young and old, into Slayer or Judas Priest. :D Saw a couple of chicks reduced to tears.

Oh and another thing about the audience. Weirdest thing ever where the crowd was split into three categories: a whole bunch of us oldies in our late 20s or early 30s, a massive amount of young student types wearing old Slayer shirts and wot not, and massess of good looking chicks. I'm serious.
lurch70 said:
nevermind ... i am uploading them to my server now
anyone want them they have to get them in the next day or so.
will post the link
By the way lurch, I'd like to use them on the live report for the zine, so I'll take dibs on them if you don't mind. :)
That picture says it all. Absolute devout worship from fans young and old, into Slayer or Judas Priest. :D Saw a couple of chicks reduced to tears.

Oh and another thing about the audience. Weirdest thing ever where the crowd was split into three categories: a whole bunch of us oldies in our late 20s or early 30s, a massive amount of young student types wearing old Slayer shirts and wot not, and massess of good looking chicks. I'm serious.
there was definetelly something special about that show last night ... even though I don't have any of their cd's ... i felt like i was witnessing history ... this band could be huge if under the right management.

do I hear a an RC Management Co. opening? ... hehe
JayKeeley said:
Oh and another thing about the audience. Weirdest thing ever where the crowd was split into three categories: a whole bunch of us oldies in our late 20s or early 30s, a massive amount of young student types wearing old Slayer shirts and wot not, and massess of good looking chicks. I'm serious.
Doubt there will be much of that in bigtime Hickory, North Carolina!
i knew i saw those style of drawings before ... those patch designs are very Voivod- Angel Rat era ...