Hammers of Misfortune - The August Engine

(Oh, and with the UM search lacking I found this thread using the google command site:ultimatemetal.com "hammers of misfortune", thought I'd just mention it in case someone here doesn't know it already.)

EDIT: Hehe, there's your answer :grin:
It's pretty cumbersome but better than nothing I guess
Aha! Didn't know the site: command, thanks!

WTF 3 Hammers albums!?!? What in holy fuck am I missing!???
It's called "Unholy Cadaver" - the Hammers demo. You both have CD-Rs you slackers. :grin:

It's mostly death doom interspersed with a few pieces of Hammers wizardry - it's pretty fuckin' stompin! The only clean vocals in it are some occasional vox from Janis Tanaka, and Scalzi only appears in the last 4 minutes of the epic, "Hammers of Misfortune". Otherwise it's all death vox - I'm not even sure who the vocalist is -- it might be Cobbet considering he did the harsh vox on The Bastard, but these are growls not screams...

Anyone that can tell me the movie sample from the beginning of track 2, "Unleash the Sword of [motherfuckin'] Blasphemy" wins a prize.

For a demo, it's great.
Yeah I think my copy is buried underneath some 239857342 other CD-Rz. :dopey:

For a second there I thought you had heard the new one already!
Doomcifer said:
Oh no you did not my pals! :erk:

Yes I did you crakkker ass cracker milky cumspot.

And if I didn't, well I guess I'll just need to send you one won't I? :loco:

No but seriously, I guaran-damn-tee that I sent you one. Check again and let me know.