Handicap Van Problems


Apr 18, 2008
Hello everyone! I will start by saying Mods, if you want to delete this, I suppose you can

I need your help!

To first say, I need a handicap accessible van because I am diagnosed with Osteogenesis Imperfecta - a brittle bone disorder. I also have scoliosis, asthma, restrictive lung disease as well. I have been wheelchair bound my entire life. I know I don't post on here often, but that's just due to my craziness with all of this listed.

With many of my friends amazing help, I was able to raise close to $2,500 for a handicap equipped vehicle a few months back. That on top of the money I have, brought me to the dealership to make a down payment of close to $3,000. The vehicles available alone cost 30-50 thousand dollars, and when I attempted to take out a loan for payments, I was unable to do so. The dealerships here that sell handicap equipped vans do not finance, and I had to go through my credit union to try and get one. For one, I found out I did not make enough money to get a loan without a cosigner. (They require a $600 a month income, I make barely half of that.) With a cosigner, the payments were double my monthly salary of my disability payments. On top of this, I had to consider the insurance I will need to pay as I am an unlicensed individual .

I need to be realistic, I am in need of help.

This last goal I have is set to ensure a big enough down payment for a smaller loan, where I can afford the monthly payments and get out on my own. I've included some items from my personal collection as rewards if you choose to pick them up, they are yours. They have sold, but I will continue to add more as time goes on. I've seen countless people raise incredible amounts of money on these sites. Many bands across the nation raise almost double what I'm asking so people can pay for them to tour (and buy tickets to then see their shows) or to fund their records. Zach Braff, a millionaire just raised 2 million in 3 days. I am asking for your help to just survive and live a life normally.

Without this vehicle I have been home-bound for seven months, missing on-campus college courses; job opportunities, and any sort of a social living environment I have missed family get togethers, and things of that nature. I'm stuck in one location, bound by the walls of my unfortunately parents home.

I want to be able to drive and find employment, attend classes on campus, and be able to leave my city. I've passed up good opportunities because I can only take public transportation, which requires 24 hour notice, 5 dollars a day and it's only in the city I live in.

Any help will be great, even just spreading this to your friends/fan pages. I'm doing this one last time, if nothing happens - I hold my head high and will do what I can. Thank you all.
