Magrathean worldbuilder Oct 14, 2005 6,987 4 38 Faculty of Science Mar 8, 2006 #4,141 Nope. S E _ _ _ T U _ E Misses: A, B, H, K, L, O
Voice of God Harmless Bum Dec 14, 2001 1,625 15 38 44 Helsinki, Finland Mar 8, 2006 #4,142 Hmm... so it's not a tube. Servitude?
Magrathean worldbuilder Oct 14, 2005 6,987 4 38 Faculty of Science Mar 8, 2006 #4,143 Haha. Good one. You guessed it with only half the letters known. I'm impressed. See, Zack? Rather easy.
Haha. Good one. You guessed it with only half the letters known. I'm impressed. See, Zack? Rather easy.
Zack charting my way to top :) Feb 9, 2005 2,642 1 38 33 Mar 8, 2006 #4,144 Damn, that's what I was thinking it would be also O well, nex time
Voice of God Harmless Bum Dec 14, 2001 1,625 15 38 44 Helsinki, Finland Mar 8, 2006 #4,145 New one.... This one's got to be fast, because I'm leaving for 4-5 days tomorrow evening, so I'll give a context for it to make it easier. I will be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this month. This should be a piece of cake.
New one.... This one's got to be fast, because I'm leaving for 4-5 days tomorrow evening, so I'll give a context for it to make it easier. I will be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this month. This should be a piece of cake.
Magrathean worldbuilder Oct 14, 2005 6,987 4 38 Faculty of Science Mar 8, 2006 #4,147 Vacationing?
OfManAndMetal satan said i get a cookie Jan 10, 2006 1,670 1 36 120 ~California~ Mar 8, 2006 #4,148 Masturbating? i know it is ,DONT LIE!!
Magrathean worldbuilder Oct 14, 2005 6,987 4 38 Faculty of Science Mar 8, 2006 #4,149
Voice of God Harmless Bum Dec 14, 2001 1,625 15 38 44 Helsinki, Finland Mar 9, 2006 #4,150 @ OfManAndMetal. You're both right, but the word is neither of those. I will be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this month. No: S Quesses: 2
@ OfManAndMetal. You're both right, but the word is neither of those. I will be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this month. No: S Quesses: 2
Magrathean worldbuilder Oct 14, 2005 6,987 4 38 Faculty of Science Mar 9, 2006 #4,151 Um.. E? A?
Magrathean worldbuilder Oct 14, 2005 6,987 4 38 Faculty of Science Mar 9, 2006 #4,153 That's not fair..
Voice of God Harmless Bum Dec 14, 2001 1,625 15 38 44 Helsinki, Finland Mar 11, 2006 #4,154 Whoops, I got one letter too much in there. I will be _ _ A _ _ A _ _ _ _ this month. No: S, E Guesses: 0
Whoops, I got one letter too much in there. I will be _ _ A _ _ A _ _ _ _ this month. No: S, E Guesses: 0
Black Core Sir MIMA & Leo Godfather Jan 27, 2006 11,387 17 38 Gierle (Belgium) Mar 11, 2006 #4,155 L?
Tubbs Bi-weekly top album: Nov 5, 2005 10,525 33 48 35 Sanford, Maine Mar 11, 2006 #4,156 I
necromancy Long Live Heavy Metal!!! Sep 8, 2002 5,370 6 38 42 Türkiye(Turkey) Mar 12, 2006 #4,158 R?
Magrathean worldbuilder Oct 14, 2005 6,987 4 38 Faculty of Science Mar 12, 2006 #4,159 N?
Voice of God Harmless Bum Dec 14, 2001 1,625 15 38 44 Helsinki, Finland Mar 13, 2006 #4,160 I will be _ R A _ _ A _ I N _ this month. No: S, E, L, P, Guesses: 0