
Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
How bad are yours? I get seriously pissed when someone has been drunk and doesn't feel like hanging him/herself the next day if it wasn't for the fact that getting out of bed feels like walking to the moon. After a ginormous drinking session I can easily be hung over for two days, the first being death in living form and the last more like what I suspect normal wimps get. I'm not hung over right now because I started kinda slow (due to hangover, also puked after one whiskey there in the beginning but after that I was all good to go again) and never really caught up (well, I was in the lead compared to other people but still nothing when Hell Mike-standards are to be followed) and I saw a H U G E my pals and I found that funny. Because he was huge.
Eh, I can drink 1 1/2 pints of whiskey and walk away from it, so I wouldn't know.
E-bortion said:
Eh, I can drink 1 1/2 pints of whiskey and walk away from it, so I wouldn't know.
that ain't that much whisky, my young padawan. :loco: [/borderline alcoholic]

uhhhmmmm, i don't get hangovers anymore really. i limit my beering to like 8 brews and on serious nights just less than double that. when i drink hard liquor i VERY rarely have more than 2 or 3 in a night, i'm more of a scotch on the rocks while reading a book instead of YOU GOTTA CHUG, AYE!??! like i used to be.

longest hangovers i've had lasted around 48 hours. one night was more margaritas than could've possibly been counted coherently (was likely the salt intake that did me in), another was one of the two times i drank a 750ml bottle of scotch to myself, did NOT feel good even two days later. likely took a few years off my life on those occasions, whee.

buddy of mine spent the night at my pad like 6 months ago, the next morning he started clearing out my kitchen sink and i told him "hey man, don't worry about the dishes, i'll get to them" and he proceeded to throw up in the sink, so then i thanked him for moving shit out of the way and took my 9th beershit of the morning.

my last genuine hangover was in vegas like a month ago. something like 12 pints and 10 drinks/shots:


i can still roll with the big dogs, just not nearly as often anymore.
oh yeah and oddly enough, most nights when i consume 8 beers in one night i feel fine the next day (2 big glasses of water before going to sleep), but some nights after drinking 2 beers i feel like shit the next morn. wtf.
god damn nad said:
that ain't that much whisky, my young padawan. :loco: [/borderline alcoholic]

lol, i weigh 115 lbs. and ive drank more, but not without waking up to something ridiculous.
E-bortion said:
lol, i weigh 115 lbs. and ive drank more, but not without waking up to something ridiculous.
oh shit you are literally half my weight lolz. i've fucked chicks bigger than you!
My friends don't refer to me as a pissed of leprachaun with an alcohol problem for no reason.
SEND IT FEDERAL EXPRESS. oh shit they're closed. FUCK.

just chuck it dude. let me know when and i'll go stand outside.