Happy Birthday - 1.1.2005

2005 had some extreme lows and some extreme highs. I think I'll graph 2005.


As you can see, it involved about 6 months of deep self pity/anger.

2006 has been mint so far. going to the gig of the year tonight (Children of Bodom).
Rampage: Eh, it looks like it's also going to be a bad year for mexican politics. This idiot called Andrés Manuel López Obrador is the candidate most likely to be elected after the candidates from one party continuously fucked the country up for over half a century and another party proved completely useless. The guy (Obrador) is a corrupt populist (and people here tend to think that populism=socialism, which pisses me off) who will just fuck the country up more than the other party i talked about.

Guess i'll turn around and look the other way. Emotionally, i'm doing amazingly, and i don't want stupid politics to ruin it for me.


Tali: I'm happy for you too. You guys are going to throw a party and invite all the guys at UM when you're done with the moving, right? ;)


KC: At least you ended 2005 at the highest of the year. I hope 2006 is going as well as december 2005 went for you.
The lesson 2005 taught me: never judge a year from its beginning, always judge it at the end.
Siren said:
The lesson 2005 taught me: never judge a year from its beginning, always judge it at the end.

for me 2005 sucked at the beginning and it sucked at the end, it especially sucked at the middle. I don't see any reason why 2006 shouldn't suck more :bah:
certain a prefect cercle songs come into mind now
@Cuthalion: Yeah, cheer up, i know how it feels. Try to find a reason to be happier in each day, no matter how small or stupid it seems. You'll be better off instantly. And it's true that you never know when your luck will change around. :)
well thanks both of you i know that i should be more positive and i know that other people have it far more difficult than me, but somehow everytime i try to get a more positive approach someone (fate??) proves me wrong
Think of it this way then: Pain will make you stronger (or kill you, but i'm assuming you won't commit suicide), and then you'll be able to a) see more to things than you do now, b) endure many more painful things while feeling less pain, thus being less unhappy, and c) have more things to talk about to people you meet/breed.
yeah i think that i know that very well i've been hearing it since i was 14 or something but that really is not the point. I don't think that this forum needs my bitching about life so i will just stop:yuk:
marduk1507 said:
Read some Pratchett, man! :grin:

you know i think that you have a point, i think that if everyone on this planet would read a minimum of 20 pages per day of any Terry Prattchet book this world will be a happier place to be, maybe a more sarcastic place but definately a happier one :tickled: