Happy Birthday FatherVic

rahvin: well I told you, it was really uncorteous of you to have birthday the week I'm away :loco:
nah! really, after my posting frenzy I think I just fucked things up :) so I'm sorry...thanx a lot pal, you know I mean it :)
and thanx to you too, phyre :)

fathervic (feeling the Force)
@fathervic: on the other hand it was chupi of me to have my birthday just two days before you were to have yours. i was definitely paying homage to the very king of birthdays. :grin:

thank you, too guys....

Villain: better late than.....well anyway thankies ;)

|ngenius: yup back with the best gift ever in my memories :)

Silentjohan: I did, daydreaming, as usual :rolleyes:

rahvin: bah! :p

fathervic (once again, here)