Happy Birthday

Good! It's turned back to being a party thread, now :grin: I must admit I was a little worried I had messed it up completely, for a while.... But now I'm in a party mood, so I'll bring some Danish cherry wine to the assembling :grin: And to make things going a bit faster..... aquavit - hehe :goggly:
Urm.... I'll kick back with some goatsblood >:oP
Or at least some "Eventyrbrus / Rødbrus" :o)
Ay?! Where's the music!?? TURN UP THE METAL!!!
AND! Do NOT change songs all the fucking time
or I'll leave. I hate parties where that
happens! >:oP Hehehe....

So, as usual I'll sit back and observe all you
people having a great time....
*Turns up the volume* Enjoy >:oP

*Sipping rødbrus*
Great! Seems like a good time to pass some of my homebrewed mead around! Here you go...

Hmmmm, Yeah, thought soo much, Blackspirit has arrived... Heard Urkraft through the door :grin:

*starts to sing along*
fjell, well 35000 years old...but well just for the egg, so you still need the sperm, ti's half of the years...so you must be about 17500 years old...so you are no that old ;)

@phyros: well sperm and eggs are actually not YOU but the pre_you in someway, it's not untill they get together that you won't be alive as you in the lamest way of speaking.

@thanatos: glad to know you are a sietemesino!!!
well, since I've been absent from the party for a few days, I'll take my usual spot lounging in the corner and, just like Blackspirit, watch everyone else have a great time.....
LOL what a party, great music, plenty of wine, aquavit, someone even made the mistake of bringing mead along :eek: :eek: ;) :lol: And we are discussing ovaries here, I see? :)

Well, drink up chumps!
Originally posted by FatherVic
fjell, well 35000 years old...but well just for the egg, so you still need the sperm, ti's half of the years...so you must be about 17500 years old...so you are no that old ;)

You got me wrong (again) ;) I didn't mean that would be how old I'd be if I counted in all my fore-mothers/fathers. I meant if I counted all my possibly earlier lives :p ;)
@ Fjelltussa: I didn't knew there was cherry wine, I have to try that someday :hotjump:

My fellow european friends, it's time you try on some raw power alcohol.

Thanatos (carrying a box full of tequila bottles).
Nuts, he gets to go to sleep and I'm still here at work. THen again, he'll probably get up before I go to bed.

Anyway, snacks... I started up the grill a couple days ago, but I think we forgot to put any actual meat on there, so if you could dig some up, we might be good... if we're not out of charcoal yet...
No party mood here? Mead! Mead! :grin:

Where're the skalds?

*starts to sing*

Komm, Truchseß und schenk uns ein
Das kanns noch nicht gewesen sein!
Das Bier ist leer, kein Mahl, kein Wein
So wollen wir noch nicht heim!

Der Ritt war lang, der Durst ist groß
Der Hunger nagt, es streikt das Roß
Laß uns in der Schenke weilen
Gestärkt wir morgen weiter reiten!

Komm, Truchseß und schenk uns ein
Das kanns noch nicht gewesen sein!
Das Bier ist leer, kein Mahl, kein Wein
So wollen wir noch nicht heim
Daß Eichenfaß, was da hinten steht
ist doch voll mit süßem Met
Sei nicht toll und bring es her
erfüll uns die Begehr!

Füll auf die Krüge mit dem göttlichen Trank
Dir zum Wohle sei dafür unser Dank
Für jenen sind wir auch sofort bereit
Es zu vergelten mit kostbar Geschmeid


*continues, already prattling and raising voice, pretty drunken*

Komm, Truchseß und schenk uns ein
Das kanns noch nicht gewesen sein!
Das Bier ist leer, kein Mahl, kein Wein
So wollen wir noch nicht heim
Wir wollen kein sauren Römerwein
auch fades Bier soll bleiben dein
Nur Honigwein der schmeckt so gut
da gefällt uns sogar die dicke Ruth.

Und unser Skalde stimmt an ein Lied
Über die Zeiten die schon längst vergangen sind
Auch über so manche durchzechte Nacht
Die wir in Tavernen schon haben mitgemacht

Es ist schon spät, der Kopf ist schwer
Und das Faß voll Met ist leer
Der Morgen naht, die Nacht geht auf
So wollen wir nun nach Haus!

(Odroerir - Zur Taverne)

Sorry for the non-german-speaking ones :) But thise song is a great drinking-song I'd say :)
Like singing, eh?

Det snør, det snør
Det er det det gjør
Nå snør det mye mer enn før
Tiddelibom og huttemegtu


@Thanatos: OOOooyess, danish cherry wine, that's delissshhhousss :grin: You mussst try that :grin: :goggly:
Never tried that vile danish beverage, what's it like?! Cherry wine.. sounds, interesting :grin:

Drinking and singing goes along rather fine, but I'd never sing when I'm sober :lol: (And I know why I won't :grin: )