Happy "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day!"

about 6 years older than you niggah :)

I'm not a niggah maddafakka :)



The dude who made that is danish :blush:

lulz is fanneh cause now there will be jihad reaction from hexwind


yeah and bassplayah and Bastad Son Of Doom will be fucking him up :p

Me and my friend wanted to burn down a mosque but we thought if we get caught we will get hanged to death, so we just pissed all over it's walls and ran away :)
funny a bomb in norway just after they supported palestina and said no to bailing out european countries, this should go to the conspiracy thread cause it looks like the norwegians just got scolded because of their pro-patria behaviour, also, norway keeps saying no to the EU and the euro, which is good for the people but not for the globalists... the police there did anti-terrorist and bomb scenario training this month and the street where the bombing happened was closed last week because of works in the sewers, and some reports said it was an underground explosion, not a car exploding... also, it was a holiday day so the building was almost empty, just regular citizens were injured, no politicians targeted at all, how smart for a terrorist group... it's annoying that after such a tragedy all these questions just pop up instantly but they are there, always -.-
It wasn't underground, this is the picture of the car that had the bomb and blew apart :


And I didn't find anything about Muslims in this attack, all news channle like BBC say that a Norwegian who has radical nationalist ideas was arrested. I'm so sorry for Norway, It is the most peaceful country with nice nature :(
I never said it was a muslim attack, also, they can show the pic of any car and say that was the car, but what about the experts saying it was an underground explosion, for such a big bomb that car seems to be in pretty good condition, the wheels are still there ffs... I don't know who did it or why, just pointed that then again there are questions about obvious details that don't make sense and then again is a country that pleaded for itself. We still have to see what will be the government response towards this, how the country will change.
For the muslim thingy I was referring to vikk: "fucking towelheads blowing Norway, fuck that"
But yeah, It's hard to believe that a random guy can easily go there and do his job, the craziest part is that a gunman killed 91 people :O There were no police there to stop him?!
well, dunno how it works in norway but in sweden is kinda hard to find a police in the street, there are not so many and they don't even have many police stations like in the USA, for example. I can't find the name of the guy that did that and the reason he had, we'll see.