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Dude that's sick, I find that gross. How does that not hurt people, emotionally and mentally?
It hurts their psyche and their view of sex, and this incest thing is making them think it's ok to have sex with younger children (pedophilia) because of their upbringing from childhood that's how they themselves practice what their parents taught them. It's not safe as you think it is.
In most cases, rape does happen within incest relations, a dad might go to her daughters/sons room and have sex with him/her
then tell him/her "It's ok, everyone does it". Same logic applies to even if it's consentual between the two.
You have sick and twisted mind, sir.
See a psychologist, dude, for the better.
Im just really shocked reading your apologetic responses.
They seem appologetic to you only because you want them to
fact is I never appologized nor do I intend to.
In order to give a truly obejective view over a certain subject, you have to isolate it and view it on it's own...and not stuff that it leads's the same as saying that talking leads to verbal violence and verbal violence leads to physical violence so talking should be banned and we all know how much words can hurt.
and isolating also means isolating it from the views of our current society as it is biased as well.
basicly starting from scratch with the whole concept and actually giving it a fair shot.
Once determined that Rape is wrong I take it out of the equation because If I stick it everywhere that gives a biased analysis which is worth shit.
once determined that Pedophilia is wrong on its own I take it out of the Incest you cannot bring up either pedophilia or rape as an argument against incest.
In a society where incest is acceptible, the children are brought up with the idea that incest is it doesn't hurt their view of sex as they are brought up with the different view of sex in the first place, and it doesn't hurt their psyche because they don't feel as they are doing something wrong.
It seems wrong to you because you were brought up in a society with a different view of sex so it seems obscene to you and that's seems obscene to me too but in order to be objective I have to put my personal views aside.
I love my parents and my friends too but I don't fuck them either nor do I have the desire to do so.
Off course sex is first and foremost for reproduction...this is it's physical and biological role, no doubt. But sex because of its pleasuring factor is also a way to express love...sexual desire on the other hand may result or lead to love but the key role of sexual desire is again for needs of reproduction just
human horniness is equevalent to animals in heat. I don't have sexual desire for my parents or my friends(well, my male friends) as I don't see them as potential partners for reproduction(consciously or unconsciously)...all is fine so far but what about gay people who lust people of their sex instead of the opposite and people who lust their children or parents or both resulting from love.
can you really say they are wrong only because their desires are different from the majority's desires?...and I repeat again hurting is not a factor here since all is done with mutual consent and is pleasuring for both sides.
I say no, you can't.
as for's very simple...animals cannot give consent and are forced to have sex solely on human needs so that's equivalent to rape.
or simply can call it animal abuse.
You have sick and twisted mind, sir.
See a psychologist, dude, for the better.
and you sir are narrowminded and cannot see beyond your own point of view.
It takes a twisted mind to challange norms of our society and of religion...and yes I was expecting this kind of reaction...
now why would I need a psychologist? because I'm trying to be openminded? challange society? because I think differently?
maybe you are the one who needs a psychologist.
the whole unconvientional sex on my part is just the beginning
what about canibalism, euthenasia, suicide, violence as means of education, polygamy(polyamory), sex before marriage.
these should be analized the same way