It is proven that our galaxy will end to give way to a new system. The Andromeda Galaxy is on a collision course with ours, and in 20 billion years it'll be gone and another cycle of space matter begins.
Cosmology still exists because the Astrophycisists, Astronomers, and Cosmologists still do not know what was there and what will be there. Meeaning, where's the first and last?
Shape of the Universe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A good laymen read would be Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes". If you havn't read, in it he discusses the difficulty in defining space and infinity, and whether there is any infinity in Universe and the Celestial system. A start cannot be defined and neither is the Big Bang the start because nothing is known as to what was there before that. The universe as a sphere, or flat space cannot be a completely correct model.
I think the universe will continue. At least that's my field of research and am not even beginning my thesis
The world and our solar system will be gone eventually, if not by asteroids or comets or Satan or some divine disaster, or even the Sun dying out like just another star (either the explosion or the black hole left would eat Earth, either way it goes), then it would be Andromeda.
Buddhism is great. It's a teaching and not entirely a religion. Anyone can practise the teachings of any Buddha (not Buddhist), as it is only a guideline to humanity. One thing disturbs me though, why do the monks get drunk when being in such a state alters the mind and it is definitely not a very good thing to do? Yes. Monks get drunk. I have seen it.
And sex is meant for reproduction. End