The Religion Thread.

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hmm this new religion thing..its similar to Unitarian Universalism. Im part Unitarian Universalist :lol: One thing abt religion tho..a baby is always born into a family and is expected to follow the family faith, as if God stamped them beforehand. Hey wait thats exactly what some say..that God asks the baby which family it wants.

About the gay thing, one thing amuses me. If ur bisexual, ur straight partner would b lucky, no? How come wives file divorce when they find out their husbands are also gay? Shouldnt they enjoy 2 in 1? :D

parents within the church of humanity are expected to raise their child according to the church's principals(accepting everyone,the relgious freedom of each individual etc...) simply because we don't want the next generation to grow up racists an biggots and what not...

as for entering the would be individual registering to the church of humanity at the age of 16.
children of members would be written as belonging to the church just for if a child of members decides he doesn't want to join then his membership is course he/she is free to join any other time
The religion I find most peace and sense in happens to be Buddhism, since the teachings of the Buddha focuses more on a better life rather than a better afterlife. You don't see monks killing each other and bombing theirselves or their friends for the sake of some vaginas to fuck after they die, unlike you see the muslims and jews bombing each other, destroying houses of those who are innocent and hurting the mankind for the sake of something that exists only in their mind.

Another one that I feel at home with is Sufism, since the teaching of Sufism is simmiliar to that of Buddhism but it is actually a sect or a form of Islam, and it is more spiritual than political, like the modern Islam is.

And about the Gay thing, well I have my own views on Homosexuality in Religion and I believe that it is not the sexual preferences that God considers a Sin, but the sexual acts that is. Like a man who has the desire to rape women is never equal to a man who actually rapes women, in the eyes of God. So if a Homoseuxal chose to keep his homosexuality in the closet, lived a life away from the sexual acts and such, he will not be punished by God even though he's gay sexually, this counts same to Lesbians, and I think Bisexuals can easily choose to be with the oppisite sex so yeah, this is my view on Homosexuals in Religion.

Uhh... I hope all the shit I typed could be understood and read since I'm not good in english.
Now, can a soul vanish or just disappear? and what would happen if there is no earth what the soul now is going to incarnate?

you know...we're not the only intelligent form of life in the universe
statisticly speaking there should be thousends of planets that can support life in the milky way galaxy alone...not to mention the entire universe which contains contless galaxies.
knowing what we know now, thinking we're alone in the universe is as stupid as thinking the sun revolves around earth and the earth is flat.

the memories of past lives through hypnosis(which I talked about earlier)...have generated also people who said they weren't earthlings in some of their past lives and could aproximate the location of the planet where they lived using powerful telescopes in observatories in the US.

The end of earth will come in one of several ways:
1.The Human race will take all resources from the planet and cause the planet to collapse(possibly implode or explode).
2.A huge astroid will collide with earth and cause multiple disasters and including a high amounts of radiation that will exterminate most life on the planet.though the planet won't be destroyed, it will be impossible to live here. several million or billion years the planet will collapse naturally as all celestial bodies do.
4. The Sun, which is constantly growing, will grow and swallow the entire solar system...will become incredibly unstable and explode/implode which will eventually result in the birth of new stars/planets/suns.

a smarter question to ask is whether the universe will come to an end?
I think there will eventually be a nuclear holocaust that will kill all living things, except for roaches, scorpions and some other useless life forms.
And about the Gay thing, well I have my own views on Homosexuality in Religion and I believe that it is not the sexual preferences that God considers a Sin, but the sexual acts that is. Like a man who has the desire to rape women is never equal to a man who actually rapes women, in the eyes of God. So if a Homoseuxal chose to keep his homosexuality in the closet, lived a life away from the sexual acts and such, he will not be punished by God even though he's gay sexually, this counts same to Lesbians, and I think Bisexuals can easily choose to be with the oppisite sex so yeah, this is my view on Homosexuals in Religion.

Sex is a form of expressing love between two if I'm gay and I love my partner and he loves me then we shouldn't realize our love just because for some unexplained reason religion says it's wrong.
and you must agree with me that in any religion love is never a sin...moreover you are encouraged to love in your fellow people and love god.
Religion also says you shouldn't lie to with a woman who doesn't know you're gay is betraying her trust and this also means you don't really love force yourself to a life that's completely a lie and it will eat you alive.
Now let's see, which is the bigger sin "living a content life being yourself and loving who you love when others think it's wrong" or "suffering willingly for living a lie and lying to everyone and not being able to love for real"?

I am just wondering what buddhism says about homosexuality and gay sex...

according to judaism lesbian sex is not forbidden...says nowhere in the torrah.
Lesbian sex is not forbidden because if the lesbians are cute, nothing is hotter than girl on girl action :lol:
But seriously, it is not considered a waste of sperm, because women do not produce sperm obviously.
Also, women, men under the age of 13 and the mentally handicapped do not share the same responsibility, and punishment, as men the age of 13 and older. Technically, pedophilia is not against the Torah either, despite the fact that all pedophiles deserve to be tortured and ripped apart.

According to religion, sex is not about love. Sex is about reproduction. Jacob didn't love Leah, Bilah or Zilpah (or whatever the names of the maid servants were), but he obviously had sex with them.

Lying is different from not telling the truth. If the guy is gay, he is not obligated to tell his wife if he doesn't go out to act out his homo-erotic desires. If he does, he has to tell her obviously because of the health risks.

You're also not obligated to tell the truth if that may hurt another person. In fact, you are not even allowed to in many cases, such as lashon harah.

When it says "love", it doesn't necessarily mean love as in the kind of love a man supposedly feels for his wife (most cases, the feeling is more like "hate", at least in the examples I took to). It means love as in to like, or not hate.
While I find the whole concept of loving God being obligatory to be completely absurd, that has to do with trying to be accepting of God's supposedly justified actions and willing to give up your life in the name of monotheism.
you know...we're not the only intelligent form of life in the universe
And how can you be sure? have you seen "intelligent form" through hypnosis except for humans?

statisticly speaking there should be thousends of planets that can support life in the milky way galaxy alone...not to mention the entire universe which contains contless galaxies.

Yeah, but that still does not mean that there are other intelligent form of life other than earth.

knowing what we know now, thinking we're alone in the universe is as stupid as thinking the sun revolves around earth and the earth is flat.

No we don't know except from fairy tails and fiction, enlighten us with some of your hypnosis experience.

the memories of past lives through hypnosis(which I talked about earlier)...have generated also people who said they weren't earthlings in some of their past lives and could aproximate the location of the planet where they lived using powerful telescopes in observatories in the US.

Do you actually buy that? it does not make any sense to me, I'd prefer to believe in buddasim and turn into a pagan rather than believing this. just same way you don't believe in the holy scriptures, why don't say that these are lies also? have not seen such things by yourself anyways.. any information you might found related, you might accept it as well, just because it supports your main theroy.

And btw these same people who have seen this how come could they almost determine the location if the exact planet that they have seen in their hypnosis?
do they have such very large amount of information so they distinguish it from other billions of planets?

a smarter question to ask is whether the universe will come to an end?

thx, do you have a smart answer as well? because mine is pretty simple "yes". you know...

as for you, I kinda know your answer "NO!!", if yes your whole theory fails miserably.
and you must agree with me that in any religion love is never a sin...moreover you are encouraged to love in your fellow people and love god.

Love is never a sin in religions, yes but it ofcourse has it's limits. Men should love other men like brothers do, not like sex partners or husbands and wives.

Religion also says you shouldn't lie to with a woman who doesn't know you're gay is betraying her trust and this also means you don't really love force yourself to a life that's completely a lie and it will eat you alive.

Yes, lying is a sin itself, but in my religion, it is allowed for a man to lie for the sake of being safe, and this is what I am talking about. Homosexuals are never safe, atleast not on the land I live on, if one chooses to be honest he or she would end up getting executed, so it's safer for them to lie and God gave them the rights to do so.

And I don't think I said anything about marrying a woman and lying to her, Personally I don't support Homosexuals who marry ones from the oppisite sex and mess with their feelings, I am strongly against that unless if the person starts to feel he or she is bi or something (like the man out off sudden feels attracted to the woman) and believe I've seen this happening before, it's very possible.

Now let's see, which is the bigger sin "living a content life being yourself and loving who you love when others think it's wrong" or "suffering willingly for living a lie and lying to everyone and not being able to love for real"?

Now this is exactly what Buddhism is all about, real pain and suffering is caused by material desires, you fight those material desires (such as lust, greed, sex and so) and you'll reach the enlightment and true happiness. You fall for the demons of desires, you actually live a suffering life.

I am just wondering what buddhism says about homosexuality and gay sex...

It is bad karma, meaning a bad deed which will always lead to an unhappy life. Although I am not sure whether the Karma will take effect on the same life or the second incarnation.

according to judaism lesbian sex is not forbidden...says nowhere in the torrah.

Lesbians are always prefered on Gays, since Lesbian sexual actions are more often preformed the oral way, it is impossible for two girls to penetrate each other unless they use hands or dildo-like tools.

And let's not forget that the majority of straight guys love to watch lesbian chicks doing each other.

Something that just came up on my head, just wondering... were the males of Sodom all gay? if so how did they breed and create a nation? In Islamic stories, we are told that all the men were homosexuals and all the women were lesbian, and therefore God punished them all with no exceptions but Lut and his daughters, so how can a "Nation" be created when all the people are homosexuals?
Lesbian sex is not forbidden because if the lesbians are cute, nothing is hotter than girl on girl action :lol:
But seriously, it is not considered a waste of sperm, because women do not produce sperm obviously.
Also, women, men under the age of 13 and the mentally handicapped do not share the same responsibility, and punishment, as men the age of 13 and older. Technically, pedophilia is not against the Torah either, despite the fact that all pedophiles deserve to be tortured and ripped apart.

According to religion, sex is not about love. Sex is about reproduction. Jacob didn't love Leah, Bilah or Zilpah (or whatever the names of the maid servants were), but he obviously had sex with them.

Lying is different from not telling the truth. If the guy is gay, he is not obligated to tell his wife if he doesn't go out to act out his homo-erotic desires. If he does, he has to tell her obviously because of the health risks.

You're also not obligated to tell the truth if that may hurt another person. In fact, you are not even allowed to in many cases, such as lashon harah.

When it says "love", it doesn't necessarily mean love as in the kind of love a man supposedly feels for his wife (most cases, the feeling is more like "hate", at least in the examples I took to). It means love as in to like, or not hate.
While I find the whole concept of loving God being obligatory to be completely absurd, that has to do with trying to be accepting of God's supposedly justified actions and willing to give up your life in the name of monotheism.

Uhh.. you already answered most of paradoxile's questions and I just wasted my time typing all the shit just because I didn't read your post earlier.
so what you're saying is that you don't think there's intelligent life outside of earth when man has only stepped on the moon and landed a robot on mars
for crying out loud...we haven't even left the solar system.
I don't believe in the holy scriptures because I studied them and they didn't add up and contredicted themselves and because time and again science prooved religion wrong.
I know there's life outside of earth because science implies on it...I see those people who's past lives were on other planets as proof basing on my own experience...I can pin point the places where I lived in my past lives even though I don't know the local geography nor have I ever visited those places in this goes the same way for other planets...I mean you lived in a place for a lifetime, that's enough to know what home looks like and where it is.
but let's set this hypnosis thing aside for a minute because you clearly won't believe unless you experience that yourself.
what about alien abduction stories, people with implants made of materials not found on earth, dead animals with holes in their bodies and pure haelmoglobin around them(which can only be made with centrifugal process), crashed alien ship in rosewell.
sure some of them may be lies but mathematically all of them can't be wrong, moreover where do you think all the "life outside of earth" theories originated?
none of this is in the bible or the quran and people could have easily explained those things as a miracle from god but they didn't...the whole thing started because people were visited/abducted/probed.
you know what the hell with that want proof? in 260 years you'll have your concrete proof when sattelite dishes in Hungary will pick up signals of intelligent nature from space.

Humans are individualists by nature...part of that trait is the belief that the world revolves around you because naturally you will always think you're right and everyone else is wrong...this is the reason that man thought the earth was flat(Iraq was the center of the known world which was Asia,Europe and Africa and was the place where Adam and Eve were created) and on the larger scale they thought the sun revloves around them and so are all the other planets again because of that being the center of everything trait and once again they were wrong.
now what you're saying is that we're the only planet with life in the universe which makes earth the center of life in the universe...and in time you'll have proof to your satisfaction that it is indeed not so.

now about science is becoming science very rapidly. things like voice activated devices, fiber optics, digital media, microchips, cell phones were all science fiction and are very real today and I promise you that before you know it there will be flying cars...and the reason for this is that the planet will become crowded and roads will be overcrowded with cars so there would be a need for more roads...when the space on the ground ends,people will start building the roads upas bridges one on top of another...building so many roads takes many resources which we may not have and a cheaper solution would be building a car that's even possible with today's technology.

about will the universe end question?
the answer is not that simple...
According to the big bang theroy: there was at first a small ball of fire made of all the was highly unstable so it exploded/expanded within itself to the size of the universe now...some say it happened in a very short time and some say a very long time...but matter of fact is that it doesn't matter since time didn't have any meaning back then.
Religion said that the big bang supports their theory and that the small ball of fire was created by god and god made it expand/explode.
religiously we have no problem but scientifically we do
since matter and energy cannot appear out of nowhere and out of nothingness so how did the small ball of fire appear.
to settle this we can say mathematically that the small ball was created at minus infinity which means in simple terms that it existed since forever but that raises the question why did it expand...if it was unstable it was supposed to expand at the moment it was created and that leads to the whole "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" paradox.
my theory is based on a physical phenomenon called harmounious motion(you learn about it in basic physics in high school) and it describes the movement of a spring.
my theory is basicly a repeated big bang:the small ball of energy is constantly expanding within in order to expand,there must be more matter so energy must become matter(based on einstein's theory of relativity) since energy and matter cannot appear or disappear from/to nothingness. at some point the universe will expand so much there wouldn't be any energy left, only matter which will be highly unstable and will collapse into itself untill it's all energy and now we're at the same point we started from an unstable ball of energy that will start expanding and so on...
now we say that this process started at minus infinity which means it has been happening since forever and it will end at plus infinity which means it will repeat forever.
in a way it's both a yes and a no...the universe will end when it will collapse but it will expand again...
this is just a theory because it doesn't adress the nature of the time demention...time could be within or above the universe...if the time demention is within the univesre then it must strech and collapse the same way the universe does and then my thoery goes to shit and it also means time travel is possible.
another question my theory raises is whether all expansions and collapses are the same...if they are then everything that happens now will happen in the next cycle too and has and will happen in every cycle(this supports fate)...if this is so time travel to the past is possible but it'll be pseudo past(going forward faster than the speed of light to an earlier point in the next cycle).

just so you know an answer without an explanation is no answer...because the universe works on a principal of cause and affect so an answer without a reason for why the answer is so, is simply shooting in the dark
Lesbian sex is not forbidden because if the lesbians are cute, nothing is hotter than girl on girl action :lol:
But seriously, it is not considered a waste of sperm, because women do not produce sperm obviously.
Also, women, men under the age of 13 and the mentally handicapped do not share the same responsibility, and punishment, as men the age of 13 and older. Technically, pedophilia is not against the Torah either, despite the fact that all pedophiles deserve to be tortured and ripped apart.

According to religion, sex is not about love. Sex is about reproduction. Jacob didn't love Leah, Bilah or Zilpah (or whatever the names of the maid servants were), but he obviously had sex with them.

Lying is different from not telling the truth. If the guy is gay, he is not obligated to tell his wife if he doesn't go out to act out his homo-erotic desires. If he does, he has to tell her obviously because of the health risks.

You're also not obligated to tell the truth if that may hurt another person. In fact, you are not even allowed to in many cases, such as lashon harah.

When it says "love", it doesn't necessarily mean love as in the kind of love a man supposedly feels for his wife (most cases, the feeling is more like "hate", at least in the examples I took to). It means love as in to like, or not hate.
While I find the whole concept of loving God being obligatory to be completely absurd, that has to do with trying to be accepting of God's supposedly justified actions and willing to give up your life in the name of monotheism.

I'm well aware of everything you said...
still homosexuality is wrong only because the torrah said so, same goes for incest...
we as a society could have the same way grown with the knowledge that sex is an expression of love(because it's pleasurable) and accepted gay sex and incest as legitimate.
incest posts no health risks except for conception and the high risk of a retarded/genetically flawed child.
as a matter of fact most royal families practiced incest and it was very acceptable among them to marry and have sex within the family.
as I'm saying this...if sex was a legitimate way of love then pedophilia would be legitimate too(with consent off course) which case the kids are left scarred for life from the experience just because everyone says it's wrong...and the child feels violated instead of loved
but everything with sex must be with consent...otherwise it's rape
in that reality we'd be having sex with samesex friends too.
It is proven that our galaxy will end to give way to a new system. The Andromeda Galaxy is on a collision course with ours, and in 20 billion years it'll be gone and another cycle of space matter begins.

Cosmology still exists because the Astrophycisists, Astronomers, and Cosmologists still do not know what was there and what will be there. Meeaning, where's the first and last?

Shape of the Universe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A good laymen read would be Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes". If you havn't read, in it he discusses the difficulty in defining space and infinity, and whether there is any infinity in Universe and the Celestial system. A start cannot be defined and neither is the Big Bang the start because nothing is known as to what was there before that. The universe as a sphere, or flat space cannot be a completely correct model.

I think the universe will continue. At least that's my field of research and am not even beginning my thesis :lol: The world and our solar system will be gone eventually, if not by asteroids or comets or Satan or some divine disaster, or even the Sun dying out like just another star (either the explosion or the black hole left would eat Earth, either way it goes), then it would be Andromeda.

Buddhism is great. It's a teaching and not entirely a religion. Anyone can practise the teachings of any Buddha (not Buddhist), as it is only a guideline to humanity. One thing disturbs me though, why do the monks get drunk when being in such a state alters the mind and it is definitely not a very good thing to do? Yes. Monks get drunk. I have seen it.

And sex is meant for reproduction. End :)
but in my religion
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