The Religion Thread.

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It's not that animals do not receive pleasure from sexual relations, it's that they don't go looking for sex for the sole purpose of pleasure
a-hah! ye'v not been watchin animal planet on the top ten sex hungry animals! :lol:

paradoxile: well yes i do speak a lil bit of 4 languages :D But no bijik tak gatal..i have refrained from "mindless sex, drugs, & alcohol" unlike most of the kids these days. and my IQ is still going strong! I think...

The US democrats just got a place..and the first time a muslim in congress, and first time some1 swore upon the Qur'an. Whoa what a hoohaa..meanwhile reports say Al Qaeda "links" caught in supposedly Al Qaeda Chatrooms condemn this event refering to Mr Ellison as a "Jewish Muslim"..Now wth is that :zombie:
hmm im pretty sure it was a rodent of sort..or looked like one anyway. they said it looks for sex frm the moment its born til the time of its death. doesnt eatn nothing. sole purpose of living = sex :lol:
on another note and completely different subject:Gay Sex

in the hebrew Bible

Just a small question. How would you know if what is written in the bible now and what you are actually reading is the same bible who god gave to his prophets ? what if someone with high religious position made changes to the actual scriptures ? then republished the new text and the real ones were just forgotten , what if those same people who made changes to the text did not want you know some certain facts? Just how can you be sure if not? Afterall all holy scriptures were written by men. Right?

we all know that sexual orientation cannot be taught but it's individual from birth...during puberty you're either attracted to women or to men or to both
so it's not a matter of choice

Are you saying that a baby can be a gay from his first moments in life? So you are a gay and there is no going back.. there are no ex-gays in real life because its fixed.
So god makes one a gay then prohibited a one to be a gay in the scriptures and did'nt even say why. that’s really annoying. simply he is contradicting his own self.
Blacken the angel said:
Just a small question. How would you know if what is written in the bible now and what you are actually reading is the same bible who god gave to his prophets ? what if someone with high religious position made changes to the actual scriptures ? then republished the new text and the real ones were just forgotten , what if those same people who made changes to the text did not want you know some certain facts? Just how can you be sure if not? Afterall all holy scriptures were written by men. Right?

that's my whole point...there's a clear evidence that the scriptures were written at a later period than the events they depict...I'm not taling about a few days later but like 200 years later...
there's also clear evidence of revisions being made in certain places in the bible at the time when it was decided which scriptures would enter and which would be left out...
moreover the hebrew prophets never got any scriptures, they got visions and messeges from god. back at the days most of the people were illitarate and those who knew how to read and write used to carve on stone plaques or clay pots and some sort of ink...the egiptian paper was introduced later...
all stories back then were passed from father to son so it's possible that someone just added the no gay sex rule and passed it to his sons who saw it as authentic and later when the scripture was written it was taken as the word of god...but why only gay sex? this could apply to any law in the torrah or to all of them.

Blacken the angel said:
Are you saying that a baby can be a gay from his first moments in life? So you are a gay and there is no going back.. there are no ex-gays in real life because its fixed.
So god makes one a gay then prohibited a one to be a gay in the scriptures and did'nt even say why. that’s really annoying. simply he is contradicting his own self.

Gayness is something different in the brain...sexual orientation is not something you can choose. so yes if you're gay then you were born gay.
off course you'll realize you're gay only when you reach puberty and realize you're not attracted to girls(or boys if you're a lesbian).
so physically no, there are no ex-gays but gays can remain in the closet and no one will know they're gay(basicly live a lie) or gays who returned to the closet and move to a place where no one knows them and live a straight life.
You as a closeted gay person, can always fantasize during sex with your wife is a guy and possibly convince her to have anal sex with you so the feeling would be similar.
I would just like to add there is one great thing about bisexuals: they have 100% of all people as potential partners...unlike straight people who have only approx. 50%
I don't care about what happened (in fact no, but we've to see far away in the future and see what can we do)

this thread is interesting in the way to understand what happened. But find the common points and walk together!
i agree, really interesting to read all of this (as I am neither Jewish or Muslim) but that we can talk about it as friends is wonderful
i agree, really interesting to read all of this (as I am neither Jewish or Muslim) but that we can talk about it as friends is wonderful

It's great...
just a question: Do you think I should continue holding back or start spreading my newfound religion here?(Swanö forum rants)
If I was forced to choose a monotheistic faith between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, I'll pick the lesser of 3 evils, Judaism.
Its a matter of maturity of the religion. A very young religion would be very attractive and appealing, but a "teenager" religion is violent. just like Judaism when it attacked itself (even in violent ages of Judaism, the "extra energy" was unloaded between jewish streams), and in medieval christianity violance was facing heathens, jews and sometimes muslims. Nowadays Islam is the in the center of violance, but its mainly a matter of time till this deadly fermentation will calm.
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Its a matter of maturity of the religion. A very young religion would be very attractive and appealing, but a "teenager" religion is violent. just like Judaism when it attacked itself (even in violent ages of Judaism, the "extra energy" was unloaded between jewish streams), and in medieval christianity violance was facing heathens, jews and sometimes muslims. Nowadays Islam is the in the center of violance, but its mainly a matter of time till this deadly fermentation will calm.

well let's just hope it will calm quickly and with as little casualties as possible...

there are several prophecies about the breaking of the third world war in 2009
and somehow it feels like fundamentalistic Islam is going to have its share in will Russia.

I really hope Nostredamus was wrong
I don't think violence in the name of religion will ever end. There will always be people with a lust for blood, death and war, and religion is probably the simplest excuse for it.
Another world war is starting to seem more and more inevitable. I just wonder what the outcome will be like since all the key countries involved have, or will have, nuclear capabilities.
I'm starting a new religion and I just found the perfect name for it
Church of Humanity

going to put in principals that won't be able to be misunderstood or interpreted the wrong way.
its key features will be acceptance, anti-violence and humanity's prosperity on all aspects.
The Gospel/rulebook will be done in a couple of years

who's with me?
I'm starting a new religion and I just found the perfect name for it
Church of Humanity

going to put in principals that won't be able to be misunderstood or interpreted the wrong way.
its key features will be acceptance, anti-violence and humanity's prosperity on all aspects.
The Gospel/rulebook will be done in a couple of years

who's with me?

ok..I want to know more about the after life , what is going to happen , and if I made sins will I go to hell. Am I going to pay an enternal price for my sins.. ?
basically if befor life = after life -> there is no reason to live.
That's more or less the same thing as LaVey's Church of Satan.

Personally, I am not a pacifist by any means, so anti-violence isn't really a selling point for me.
ok..I want to know more about the after life , what is going to happen , and if I made sins will I go to hell. Am I going to pay an enternal price for my sins.. ?
basically if befor life = after life -> there is no reason to live.

well.....thats the biggest question of all.....
is there after life?

I believe that if we knew for sure that there isn't......the religions just couldnt exist anymore.....
and if there is no reward as heaven after life......why be moral?
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