The Religion Thread.

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it's very conveniant to enterpret scriptures in a certain way so it suits your cause...everyone do it but that doesn't make those things right and the reason for it is that when you are looking for a connection, you'll always find one even if it really doesn't exist

lets forget about the cause and the do you interpret the above verse anyway?
lets forget about the cause and the do you interpret the above verse anyway?
The verse in Deuteronomy?

99% in agreement with you

the remaining 1% is the muhammed gigolo thing...embassies were burned for these kind of statements.
I actually just saw you posted that now.
I did not say that to be derogatory, I will try and find a link to it. I heard about it a while ago (from a historian no less). I'll just find a link to prove it.
I actually just looked at the verse before it, I made a mistake before. I didn't see that it was written as a quote, which completely changes everything. It wasn't Moses speaking to the Jews like he did 3 verses before, which is what I originally thought it was, which would have imply that it was referring to a non-Jewish prophet. He was quoting God, that after he would die, there would be other prophets for the Jews.
18:17 says
(this is Moses quoting God)
17. Then the Lord said to me (Moses), They (Israel) have done well in what they (Israel) have said. 18. I (Lord) will establish a prophet for them (for Israel), from among their brethren (Israel's brethren, and commentators say that it means only members of Israel), like you (Moses), and I will place my words in his mouth and he shall speak to them (Israel) everything that I will command him.
The verse in Deutoronomy applies to what the people of Israel should do after they enter the land of kna'an(later the land of israel) and how to conduct themselves against speciffic nations(emorite,knanite,frezite,hevite and yevusite) and then take these nations lands and make their women and children slaves...kill all men.

but the point is this is no general code of conduct here...these are speciffic orders that apply only to the people of israel, only in the land of israel and only against the speciffic mentioned nations that were occupying the lands that used to belong to Jacob's sons before they went to Egypt(what has ended as the hebrew nation being slaves to the Fharoes).

what I said: is written in Deu 20:12-17
there is no mention of any prophet there

on the other hand 18:17 just as Jeremy said is talking about choosing a prophet from your (Israel's) the people of israel are often described in the bible as brothers so a prophet will rise from the people of Israel and not from another nation.

This most probably is talking about Joshua who replaced Moses or about any of the other prophets like Jeramiah or Samuel
this could also be talking about Jesus as Jesus was jewish(moreover a descendant of the house of King David) and he preached to the people of Judea.
but this by no way applies to Muhammed...
people of Israel should do after they enter the land of kna'an(later the land of israel) and how to conduct themselves against speciffic nations(emorite,knanite,frezite,hevite and yevusite) and then take these nations lands and make their women and children slaves...kill all men.

Its funny how history repeats itself.

but the point is this is no general code of conduct here...these are speciffic orders that apply only to the people of israel, only in the land of israel and only against the speciffic mentioned nations that were occupying the lands that used to belong to Jacob's sons before they went to Egypt(what has ended as the hebrew nation being slaves to the Fharoes).

so it has nothing to do with future prophets,nothing at all.
It is funny how history repeats itself...that's why I don't approve of a lot of things written in the bible...

it bluntly says committing genocide in the name of god is not just ok but mandatory(against amalek) also there's a motif here of vengeance while in another place written "hold no grudge and pay no vengeance"...
so later people can come and quote those verses and say they're just doing what god is commanding well fuck's wrong and always been wrong.

so yes, it has nothing to do with future prophets...i think the place where you quoted from had a mistake regarding the place in the bible that whole thing was reffering to...

I took my interpretation from hebrew sources and I read in the bible in the language of origin and not a bible translated to english...though they may seem the same, some nuances haven't been translated like repeating words and stuff like that which mean a lot and that is visible in old interpretations(hazal)...yet still Jeremy and I said the same thing unless Jeremy was actually reading from a bible in hebrew
I actually just saw you posted that now.
I did not say that to be derogatory, I will try and find a link to it. I heard about it a while ago (from a historian no less). I'll just find a link to prove it.


dude, we're dealing with extremists's enough for someone who's not a muslim to say Muhammad and they will burn his embassy.
I won't talk now about the whole race I'll be specific:
Muhammad was the son of Abd Allah, son of Abd-ul-Muttalib, son of Hashim, son of Abdu Manaf, son of Qusay, son of Kilab, son of Hakeem, son of Kaab, son of Luayy, son of Ghalib, son of Fihr, son of Malik, son of Qays, son of Kinanah, son of Khuzaymah, son of Mudrikah, son of Ilyas, son of Mudhar, son of Nizar, son of Maad, son of Adnan, son of Udd, son of Muqawwam, son of Nakhour, son of Tahir, son of Yarub, son of Yashyub, son of Nabit, son of Ismail (ishmael).
Just because Muhammed was descended from Ishmael, it does not mean that most of the Arabs are.
There is no way to prove that the Arabs of today are Ishmaelites.
Damn, when I saw your name on the last post thing, I thought someone fucked around with my name.

Actually, this was the first time I opened a bible in ages. I didn't even know I had a bible hahahaha
on another note and completely different subject:Gay Sex

in the hebrew Bible there's a whole chapter about who you can and can't fuck
Leviticus 18.
Leviticus 18:22 forbids of male to male sex and there is no need of any interpretation there and when looked in interpretations it just said sex between men is forbidden and didn't state the reason why.
and what's bothering me is why?

the whole thing just doesn't make sense...
if we dig deeper into the subject...wasting sperm is forbidden and all the sperm should reach a woman's vagina because any sperm wasted is a potential person being according to this anal sex,oral sex and masturbation are forbidden.
so now if look at this from today point of view...knowing what we know now

only one of the millions of sperm cells actually furtilizes the ovule...most radical scenario 14 ovules are released at once and all are furtilized so you get 14 twins...the millions of other sperm cells just is it still mass murder?

moreover there's a phenomenon called "nocturnal pollution" in which a boy(usually during the first stages of puberty) has an erotic dream(or not) gets an erection and ejaculates in his sleep...that's not mass murder because it's not voluntary but it's mass manslaughter.

now a person who's not sexually active...doesn't ejaculate for a long periods of time because there is no woman to sleep with and msturbation is forbidden so just like boys during puberty...a sexualy non active man has nocturnal pollution every once in a while so either way he kills his sperm.

now for a different point of view...medical studies have proven that sexually active men are more furtile than non active men simply because ejaculation causes the testicles to make new sperms and the more frequently you ejaculate, the more frequently your testicle will make sperm when those men stop having sex the body is still used to create the amounts of sperm it does and slightly over time cools down.
but sexualy active reffers to any type of ejaculation...including any type of sex and masturbation. also men that are frequently sexually active stop being furtile at a later age.
both points show directly or inderictly that masturbation or any sexual activity is good for men...while religion is shooting the men in the foot.

now let's return to the original subject: gays.
we all know that sexual orientation cannot be taught but it's individual from birth...during puberty you're either attracted to women or to men or to both
so it's not a matter of choice. it's not genetic either because parents of gays and lesbians are straight and kids of gay couples usually turn up straight too.
it also exists in the nature on a much smaller scale but it exists...female seagulls are lesbains.

statistically speaking homosexuality is an anomaly just like any other group of things it has exceptions and math has proven it's nature's way.
and like any anomaly it surves a certain purpose( and I'm not talking about being hated for being different).

the way I like to think of homosexuality is being a reminder to all that sex is not just for having babies but is also about love as gay couples love each other even though they cannot have children physically(i'll risk and say yet).

that was fucking long
up yours, religious gay bashers
I'm not saying that I believe in this, but this is an answer I came across before.
In the Kaballah, it talks about what the reasons for wet dreams are. They say that the offspring of Lillith come to the men at night and mate with them. That ejaculation causes a demonic pregnancy. That is why when someone is buried, they throw dirt on the coffin. It is to blind the demonic offspring so that they cannot try and claim a part of their rightful inheritance.
It cannot be considered manslaughter though. Manslaughter is when you are responsible, but did not mean for the murder to happen.

Masturbation, or any kind of non-vaginal intercourse relations, is considered a total waste of sperm. Sperm has a potential to become life, but it is not considered a living thing.
Hallachically, a fetus is not considered alive until 40 days, when its gender is developed. Many rabbis hold that a woman is even allowed to get an abortion until 40 days after conception, even if the unborn fetus poses absolutely no threat to her.
When there is vaginal intercourse without a contraceptive (which is considered against the Torah and many other religions), it gives opportunity for life to be created, so it is not considered a waste. If it would be considered a waste, than it would be IMPOSSIBLE to reproduce without sinning. There are even times when you gain merit for having sex (on Friday nights and after she is ritually clean from bathing in the mikvah post-PMS).
Using natural methods to minimize your sperm count is not considered as a contraceptive though.

There are also drawbacks to sexual activity. Frequent sexual activity increases the risks of hair loss and it kills brain cells.

I never really felt that much sympathy for gays. Whatever they want to do, let them keep it to themselves. But they push their unhealthy lifestyle in the faces of people who find it disgusting and wrong, which is a majority of the population.
I don't have anything against people for being gay. If they want to be gay, that is fine by me. But unfortunately, a large majority of them try and push it on people who do not agree with it, which I find to be unjust.
about the manslaughter that was exactly what I meant
you didn't mean to ejaculate at night but you are still responsible for you body therefore had no intent to ejuculate but did=>spermslaughter.

using natural methods to reduce sperm count is no sin, it's just stupid.

I rather lose my hair from fucking than from stress...
where did you read about the "sex kills brain cells"?

about the gays...i have a particular dislike for these kind of people(that rub their gayness people's faces) as do i have a problem with straight couples being intimate(if it's passionatly kissing and groping and stuff for 3 hours or fucking) in a public place...i don't need or want to see this and it just makes single people more miserable and lonely to see such things.
so I tend to agree with you on this...
but I think if homosexuality was widely accepted(like in ancient greece for instance) there wouldn't be any need to stick it to people who don't accept gays. it's like if women were actually given equal opportunities to men, feminism would have never existed.

we, humans unlike animals, experience pleasure during copulating and don't just do it because of a rooted instinct to multiply in a certain season also unlike animals we can consiously love someone. did you ever ask yourself why?
I rather lose my hair from fucking than from stress...

where did you read about the "sex kills brain cells"?

about the gays...i have a particular dislike for these kind of people(that rub their gayness people's faces) as do i have a problem with straight couples being intimate(if it's passionatly kissing and groping and stuff for 3 hours or fucking) in a public place...i don't need or want to see this and it just makes single people more miserable and lonely to see such things.
goodness..if thats really the case, kids these days will get 70 for their IQ test by the time they'r 21!

i totally agree with the last paragraph..

ok abt the sikhs..i know roughly since its based on a confession by a fellow sikh friend. He told me Sikhism basically became a sort of "anti-Islam" religion whereby one doesn't cut body hair & most importantly, doesnt take of his turban until there is not a single Muslim left in this world (he was pretty frank since i was known to him as being a moslem). I dont know but i havnt done research on Sikhism..wherevr I looked they never state the reasons behind the metalhead sorta hair and the turban.

Anyway i dont suppose my friend (yeah he's a buddy & he doesnt wear a turban just that he's born in a Sikh family, keeps long hair but thats because he needs that for Necrophagist songs) would lie to me. Mayb its a cultural thing more than religion..but i dont know.
well Sikhs and Muslims have been slaughtering each other for the past 300 years so I wouldn't be suprised if Sikhism became anti Islam.

about the 70 Iq...Bijik gatal, eh?(I'm assuming you speak Malay)
about the manslaughter that was exactly what I meant
you didn't mean to ejaculate at night but you are still responsible for you body therefore had no intent to ejuculate but did=>spermslaughter.

using natural methods to reduce sperm count is no sin, it's just stupid.

I rather lose my hair from fucking than from stress...
where did you read about the "sex kills brain cells"?

about the gays...i have a particular dislike for these kind of people(that rub their gayness people's faces) as do i have a problem with straight couples being intimate(if it's passionatly kissing and groping and stuff for 3 hours or fucking) in a public place...i don't need or want to see this and it just makes single people more miserable and lonely to see such things.
so I tend to agree with you on this...
but I think if homosexuality was widely accepted(like in ancient greece for instance) there wouldn't be any need to stick it to people who don't accept gays. it's like if women were actually given equal opportunities to men, feminism would have never existed.

we, humans unlike animals, experience pleasure during copulating and don't just do it because of a rooted instinct to multiply in a certain season also unlike animals we can consiously love someone. did you ever ask yourself why?
Manslaughter is when your negligent actions causes a murder. If you were driving drunk, went a little too far in a fight, pulled out a fake gun to scare someone, but they died from the shock (there was a case like that) etc.
How could the person be held responsible for involuntary seminal emissions when he is asleep and has no control over his actions?
That's not manslaughter, that's just a course of nature, which is what god supposedly created.
It could even be looked at as a way for the body to naturally reproduce sperm when there is no opportunity for sexual activity.

It's regardless whether or not you lose hair from stress or fucking. It's still a drawback to frequent sexual activity.
I read an article on a news site about the brain cells thing a while ago.

With all the drinking and drugs kids do before they are 21, their IQ should also lower drastically.
It also never said how many brain cells are killed anyway. It could be hardly any, and only from really frequent activity.

It's not that animals do not receive pleasure from sexual relations, it's that they don't go looking for sex for the sole purpose of pleasure, like humans, and apparently, dolphins do. That is a huge difference.
Not all animals mate in a certain season either. Many animals mate all year long.
We have higher intellect and we feel more emotions. We can process emotions like love toward someone we are not physically related to. We also feel jealousy, hatred, anger, happiness (satisfaction that animals feel when they get what they want is not the same as happiness), depression etc.

When all the ancient cultures started accepting homosexuality, it was always when they started to crumble. Look at the Hellenics and the Romans.
It's also a childlike idea. If you don't do what we want, we are going to try and force our lifestyles down your throats (no pun intended). That's pretty much the same thing as the kid in the grocery store crying for a bag of candy.
Gays did get rights. They are able to join the army, they are able to get the same jobs at the same pay, they have their neighborhoods where they live their lifestyle in a public manner without offending straight people.
It's not like they are really being discriminated against as badly as they make it out to be.
They don't have completely equal rights, but it's not like don't have anything.

Do you believe in the Book of Jubilees?
All I really know about that book is that it says Jews have to separate themselves from everyone else. I have no interest in crap like that.
I always felt that the superiority complex many Jews feel is partially what causes anti-semitism.
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