Happy new year!


Apr 19, 2005
Baarlo, The Netherlands

I just would like to wish you all a happy new year. I hope to see you all in Baarlo this year in October, we try to keep ProgPower alive as long as possible and we try to keep it the way it is now. With some known and unknown bands in a very friendly atmosphere at Sjiwa in Baarlo, The Netherlands.

We have a long list of potential bands to play, we try to offer you once again a diverse line-up with definitely some pleasent surprises.

So stay tuned and spread the word about ProgPower Europe. See you in Baarlo in October.

Rene Janssen
Err, Happy Valentine's Day would be closer to the fact now!! :blush:

Hope you're all having a good winter and rest up for the spring and summer momentum that leads to the pre-PP frenzy on here :kickass:
Indeed. And a BIG congratulation to both René and Håkan (and of course the proud mothers) for becoming parents for the second time recently. Soon you will have two teenager daughters each, haha, good luck ;-)
Thank you, Marcel & Kirsty.

I'll see what I can do 'bout the stories:lol:

We atleast have a name now:Saint:

and for those of you who has me on fejsbook, there's some pics now(edited 22.08 p.m.)
Ooo, I'm so behind on my facebooking. Work blocks all the fun sites. I'll have to go comment things like, "Vacker barn" ;)