Happy Two Weeks to Release Date!

Just today i received this on my inbox.

"Date Ordered: Mittwoch, 02. Februar 2011

The comments for your order are

Your order is going to be shipped out as a registered airmail post parcel.

Best Regards,

Your order has been updated to the following status.

New status: Dispatched

Please reply to this email if you have any questions.

Kind regards
Napalm Records"

Mmmmm.....this looks great...finally my own copy of Jordplus is dispatched....but..is not so great since i live in the other side of the world ( Literally ). I dont understand why they sent this package today and not before yours who lives near :'( .... Anyway....Im happy, even if the parcel will arrives in April :P
I wish I had pre-ordered, cus a Vintersorg poster would be a great way to start decorating my new apartment. Doh!

From waht I can see, it is still availiable from the Napalm Records shop, so there should be no reason to worry.

And on an even more positive note, I finally got my confirmation mail from Napalm Records, saying my parcel was shipped today! Can't wait!
I have the BEST girlfriend in the world.

Jordpuls isn't out in the US til April 5th but she's in Ireland for school so she bought it for me there and sent it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES