Happy V-day ladies!

Originally posted by rahvin
(whose idea of a party involves at least three other people. and pointy swords)
Oh, simply great! It's a new version of "spin-the-bottle", right? :)

Alfred (who had forgotten v-day existed)
Yep, Rahvincito is right but not totally right. You can do you special acts and presents in the name of love (who is Sir. Love?) every single day of your miser... chupi life, indeed. But the fact is you can do it every single day and on february the 14th you can do it better and think about something very, very special, something original and chupi with your soulmate (in case of the Valentine "the milkman" 's day) or whatever you want to enjoy in case of your birthday, etc.

Stupid? Perhaps, specially when you're stupid enough to think only in a chocolate piece with the shape of a heart.

Get the things by the positive side, life is a trouble by itself, so live with a smile the "stupid" special dates and try to enjoy them, 'cos a pretext to have some fun isn't a bad pretext, in fact.

|ngenius (Quejicas!)
I prefered PapiMelon's eye! I want it back! :( :D (ok, i know you don't give a shit but anyway :grin: )

Uhm..what? This is the v-day thread? Ok...v-day is a little gay :grin: (no pun intended :grin: )
Originally posted by Siren
I prefered PapiMelon's eye! I want it back!

I actually think the "Suicidal Zodijackal Angel" fits much better.

About Valentine's day - in Finland it is called "ystävänpäivä" or "friend's day", which means that here we give cards and presents not only to our loved ones, but to our regular friends also. And I find that a good idea. So, happy Valentine's day to everyone of you my friends!

-Villain (late as usual)
well I would love to know how many of us grant our moms with gifts everytime we feel like.....well I love them all....all the days I must be given a gift! and all those I have to gift someone....it's the way to show him/her I do care....I can't do it everyday, so at least I do it the day I'm supposed to....

fathervic (against the flow it seems)
Originally posted by FatherVic
well I would love to know how many of us grant our moms with gifts everytime we feel like.....well I love them all....all the days I must be given a gift!

:confused: are you my mom? :spin:

rahvin. (signalling to rei toei loony post number 2)
... checking out rahvin's post...
... working on data...
... closing brain connection...

dear rahvin,
your score is now 2 points! 8 points left ;)

/me patting teddy on its back :grin:
I like valentine's day! It's my name-day: actually my christian name is Valentina, so people usually gives me presents for valentines day.... hehehe, I love it:D


to clear things up!

m)I'm your mom rahvin, in fact I'm everybody's mom!

n)I'm everybody's mom aswell....so I'm some kind of selflover hedonist...ehmmm both mentally and physicaly :rolleyes:

ñ)I love all of my moms, each one I have...it's hard to keep them all happy but I'm doing well at this time!

o)I reread my post and understand why you pick on me so I won't complain

fathervic (eñeist)
Originally posted by FatherVic
m)I'm your mom rahvin, in fact I'm everybody's mom!

despite it being quite a shocking to discover about one's own mom, i think i can live with having so many brothers and sisters as long as they stay well away from my home. :D

@Rahvin: Oh, your heart won't live in peace anymore when you'll know the truth of my secret: I'm your father. Yep, a bad night with a Melon can happens to everybody!!

And if you wish to know more, I can tell you that you were a gipsy from Torrevieja del Molinico Verde, and you played the bongos until you were 5, when some italians abducted you to work in a circus.

|ngenius (Glad to be the husband this time)