What is it like in Sweden?

Silly me, i thought "hey look at the dt forum, there are actually threads with less than 300 replies about food and questions, maybe something interesting could be happening" but its just this metal17 guy spam. Is the 17 for the number of threads per day?
Misanthrope said:
Silly me, i thought "hey look at the dt forum, there are actually threads with less than 300 replies about food and questions, maybe something interesting could be happening" but its just this metal17 guy spam. Is the 17 for the number of threads per day?

Hahah, you always know how to put it into perspective ;)
Misanthrope said:
Silly me, i thought "hey look at the dt forum, there are actually threads with less than 300 replies about food and questions, maybe something interesting could be happening" but its just this metal17 guy spam. Is the 17 for the number of threads per day?
stewpsss...17 was how old I was when I joined UM...
@metal17: it helps if you don't exaggerate with the multiple posting. there is an edit button if you forgot to reply to someone, and less people will call you a spammer if you refrain from using posting one message after the other for each user whose words you want to comment on. just a tip.
haha yeah, note the distance between Halmstad and Skellefteå on this map:


although "lmstad" is covered by the "Copenhagen airport sign"