So what do you guys think of the new In Flames album?

Meh, I've heard a little bit of it, and it's not too bad. I don't have a problem with it, maybe as I listen more and more I will grow to like it. Nothing can own the Jester Race and Lunar Strain IMO
Stye (n):

A stye is a bacterial infection of one of the hair follicles of the eyelashes or one the small glands near the inner corner of the eye.


I've now listened to most of STYE, and I didn't enjoy it. It was less apparent on the pre-Reroute albums, but Anders' vocal style grates. When growling, he sounds like a cross between someone cutting sheet metal with a bansaw and a mewling rhinoceros. Bear in mind this isn't a criticism of In Flames in general; this style worked excellently on albums Jester Race through Clayman, because it fit; this was chaotic music, with guitar harmonies and rythm in contrast to his vocals. However the major problem with STYE is that the music doesn't fit; the new tone that In Flames have adopted is vocally driven, unlike their previous outings, which were primarily guitar efforts. By pushing to the forefront a vocalist who is average, and pushing to the background the instruments that In Flames were known for, they have gone from being a great band with an singer adequate to the task to a fairly mediocre run-of-the-mill band with a few flashes of inspiration. The less said about the Jonathan Davies-esque whine clear vocals the better.

Ultimately, I found the music boring. The Quiet Place could be the filler track on any rock/metal cd anywhere, the one that fills the gap between great song a and great song b - why then has this been released as the single? The production is muddy, and again, that doesn't suit the tone that In Flames have chosen. Had they been creating a 'we made this over the course of a cold winter in the middle of a dark Norweigan forest' black metal album, then it would have added to the charm; as it is, it merely makes the music sound more confused. The title 'Soundtrack to Your Escape' really does suit this album. It is a soundtrack, that piece of background music that isn't really focused on, is just there as part of the overall scheme of things while something more important is happening in the forefront. A piece of filler, to tide you over until the next big event. Because, with songs like Dial 595-Escape (which sounds like a bad title to a c-grade 1970's horror flick) and the angst I felt in Like You Better Dead, this isn't it.
IMO I think In Flames had their best days up to and including Clayman. Reroute to Remain was just bad, and although the new album is better - it still to me is in the same class of music as Reroute, and that class is something that is embarrassing when compared to the In Flames roots that gave them a name for themselves.

That being said, their newer material is still head and shoulders above a lot of the other crap that is being released these days, but that still shouldn't cover up the fact that In Flames is still a band that is heading in the wrong direction for metal purists that have loved them for so long.

I haven't been listening to In Flames for very long, and it took me awhile to get into them. It is sort of sad in a way that I probably won't be able to be excited about a new release of theirs if their musical direction continues on the path it is on.
Dark_Jester said:
By pushing to the forefront a vocalist who is average, and pushing to the background the instruments that In Flames were known for, they have gone from being a great band with an singer adequate to the task to a fairly mediocre run-of-the-mill band with a few flashes of inspiration.
That's a good way of looking at it.

I like StYE though, it's a step up from the last two. The clean vocals are fucking terrible and always have been, though. It's just something you have to accept and move on, I guess.

They'll never top Colony.
im new here guys and i saw this thread and i thought this would be a perfect time to tell everybody how much i fucking hate the new album. now before i start i would like to make it clear that i fuckin hate NU-METAL. i am tired of nu-metal fans telling me they listen to metal. metal has solo's. metal has soul. metal is harder to play than bashing the fuck out of your drop A string and wearing your guitar around your fucking knees. these are some of the reasons why i hate nu-metal. but i cant be a dickhead about it other people have there opinions too and they are entitled to them. the thing that gets me is the fact that Anders has passenger. his nu-metal band. now if thats what he wants to do in his spare time then go for it buddy but dont fuck up one of the better melodic death bands (which he has) around by turning them into talentless, show pony dickheads. and look. obviously the rest of the band has a part to play in the sound and are thus just as responsible for the dribble that is STYE. what im trying to say is. IN FLAMES YOU HAD IT RIGHT IN THE BEGINING, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING !!!!!!!
Hahah, excellent, you remind of me, back in the day when I actually thought
bitching about this crap would help, keep it up ;)
And remember the motto I learned from toothpastefordinner:
"Complaining is easier than doing anything" :p
I gave RtR to a friend not long after I had bought it and I don't plan to make the same mistake with this band again. So they don't get any money off me at all.
My money can go to better metal that is being released all the time.
no use bitching about them anymore. Just listen to a better band instead like DT hehe