heartbeat of the earth
he was taking a nap dickbag. i wasn't kidding, you can haze me all you want but seriously, please don't talk about my dog... unless you are saying he's cute.
If by play you mean emoticons.
emily and darkblade (wtf is your name?) should date!
...except for that. that was funny.::insert sexual joke about your dog right here::
Laura, you're so subtle. PS. are you coming to the Symphony X and/or NEMF with Will? I don't know if I wanna be left alone with these guys... I'll be the only one video taping..
you better not turn out to be one of those creepy stalkery dudes, there's enough of those in bars/forums.
Edit: Curse you Chris, with your posting. Fine... you can tape with me.
great cartoons Emily! i just read all of them. good stuff.
i hope you don't mind, i facebook requested you...(you know, cuz i'm an internet stalker creep)
add me to facebook dammit.
I don't get people who can't be happy without having a boyfriend/girlfriend. Seems like a major personality flaw to me.