hard to play ever gets easier?


Latin, NOT Mexican.
Oct 11, 2001
My House.
I recently decided to play the andy laroque solo in Death's all mighty trapped in a corner...boy its some pretty hard stuff....I have a correct tab i have all the time yet some parts are just too fast but i do not understand why i cannot play them. My solos are faster i play as fast as mr. schuldiner on my fast parts but i have trouble playing other people's solos expect chuck ones...i have a hard time playing cheese megadeth solos from martin on hangar 18 yet i can play something as fast as the spirit crusher solo...any experimented guitar players that could give me some pointers?
Well, it's a commonly taught idea that restraint on a guitar is much more difficult than speed. I don't know how true this is, but I can agree with it to a certain extent. The two techniques are very different, which is why you may find chuck's solos easier than LaRoque's. Chuck is self-taught, and plays a more simplistic style, though it seems faster in many ways (mostly due to the use if tremeolo picking and tapping).

LaRoque (I don't know if he's trained, but he sure as hell has some kick-ass technique for someone who isn't) has a more structured and complex style. His solos are very off the wall and almost classicaly oriented. They require less conventional fingerings and runs than your average metal solo. I personally find LaRoque's Solo in this particular song easier to play, but then again, my style if playing is pretty odd.

So, all I can suggest is to sit down and lazily hammer out some solos on your guitar, and try and understand your own playing technique, your own style, who it borrows from, and who it is different from. Maybe you'll find that you have nothing in comon with LaRoques style, and maybe you aren't meant to play that way. In such an event, just take certain parts of his solos you like and try to learn them, but rework certain parts to fit your style. Hell, you'll probably better off doing that anyway.

Other than that, all I can offer is the old idea of practice makes perfect.

Hope that helps!
Thanks for the input. And yea i do tend to be much better in frenetic tremolo picking alternating strings than doing up and down runnings or sweeps ( wich i found really really hard ). One thing i always seem to put aside its bendings. I grew up ( guitarwise ) with a line of bad guitars that always had troubles staying in tune they never had locks ( my current b.c. rich does not has locks either but stays in tune much longer i can do some bendings ). So i tend to focus on tremolo picking and slow melodies with slides and since i got into dark tranquillity alot of mmm trino? only know the classical term ( fast hammer on pull of within 1 or 2 frets ). I keep solos short and fast and usually never go over 8 bars but ive been wanting to add more variety. Im also self thought maybe thats why i find chuck style much easier ( in contrast with virutally everyone else i know who always followed more refined stars like satriani ). Ill keep working on the style.
Good call. Keep working on it, but don't get yourself down because you don't have someone's technique, that's only natural.

And you obviously have had issues with the guitars that would cause problems in developing certain techniques (like you said, bending). I used to hate bending and avoided it at all costs, as I was frightened to sound bluesy. Lame I know, but I was pretty naive. My main concern now though is working on a good vibrato technique.

And the term you are looking for is trill I believe!
I recently decided to play the andy laroque solo in Death's all mighty trapped in a corner...boy its some pretty hard stuff....I have a correct tab i have all the time yet some parts are just too fast but i do not understand why i cannot play them. My solos are faster i play as fast as mr. schuldiner on my fast parts but i have trouble playing other people's solos expect chuck ones...i have a hard time playing cheese megadeth solos from martin on hangar 18 yet i can play something as fast as the spirit crusher solo...any experimented guitar players that could give me some pointers?
Hey man U can Help me i need the correct tabs of the Spirit Crusher solo please if u have that tab please tell where i can find it

i have been search that tab for a long time but i can't find it, always i found a tab that is not correct.
Andy's technique is definately unique. I wouldn't sweat not being able to play his solos note for note. One thing to remember is that it's all based on technique, and since we all learn how to play in different ways, we can expect different results. Here are some ideas to help and learn it. If you have a transcription of the solo, look at the over all structure and determine the scales and fingerings that are used. After you've done this, independatly practise those scales at a slower tempo untill you can do it without even thinking about it. Before you know it you'll have the solo patched together and will be able to play it. Also there are many freeware programs that will slow down any song without messing up the tunning. These are a life saver when your tring to learn a tough solo or riff. Good luck