Hardware Eq choice.... API or SSL

I would much much rather have the SSL eq than the API for lot of reasons. But since the SSL 500 stuff kind of sucks...the API is the best option, and they sound amazing. no matter which one you get. but i'd recommend the 550b for flexibility.

Why would you say they suck? Cause you don't like them or is there a valid reason?? Just asking...
Im waiting for my kush electra to arribe! How do you feel with them? Are they as magical as the folks at gearslutz are saying? Do they fit well for metal mixing?

So hey bud I made some samples on a old mix with hardware gear used and not used….. Its not an omg huge difference but you'll hear some difference. Its not in the mix as a whole which also makes a difference..
Used Kush Electra on kick and snare, Distressor on on kick, API 2500 on drum buss and printed out of a D-Box..

No outboard gear
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10714692/BWH No Warm.mp3

With outboard gear
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10714692/BWH Warm.mp3
different power supply, different voltage. they had to redesign everything so...different sound. same thing happened with the x series stuff. It looks, and feels cheap/fragile
Someone here posted a sample of his SSL X rack eq's against the waves plug in and there wasn't really that much of a difference.
also there's no hp/lp which is a beautiful thing in those ssl eq's
So hey bud I made some samples on a old mix with hardware gear used and not used….. Its not an omg huge difference but you'll hear some difference. Its not in the mix as a whole which also makes a difference..
Used Kush Electra on kick and snare, Distressor on on kick, API 2500 on drum buss and printed out of a D-Box..

No outboard gear
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10714692/BWH No Warm.mp3

With outboard gear
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10714692/BWH Warm.mp3

Dude! thanks for the comparison!
pretty big difference... though i cant say that one is better than the other, just different.

I just looked you up on facebook and i just realised that this whole conversation could have been in spanish hahah you are from mexico right? cheers!
Dude! thanks for the comparison!

pretty big difference... though i cant say that one is better than the other, just different.

I just looked you up on facebook and i just realised that this whole conversation could have been in spanish hahah you are from mexico right? cheers!

Invite me as a friend! I'm from Tx homie. Old El Paso!!