HEllo duckys!!
i went to see Potter again last night!!!!!!!!!
chaos was caused due to mate with beer cans, and my magic wand. for some reason i ended up with a slap fight in the middle of the film.
long story. but im amazed we didnt get told to shut up.
due to to extensive exposure, some of my company felt it necessary to repeat certain lines BEFORE THEY WERE SAID!!!!!!! getting smacked ove the head with my magic wand was NOT impressive. lol
Its a wicked film.ill gladly see it again.
when we got there, we also hit the Warner brothers store. OH MY GOD - its a harry potter haven!!! me and another mate caused much embarrassment to person we were with! kept running round shop getting all excited - and yelling HEy look at this -WOW!!!!!!!!! and generally acting like children. apparently people were staring. Whoops!!! it was great - roll on the xmas sales!!!!!!!! i shall be pottering galore!! i really want a facia for the 3310!!! be wicked !!!!
hmm. well i better go !! but my wand rocks!!!!!!!