Has anyone got reamped tracks tracked with firepod and digi002?


Sep 26, 2008

As I previously mentioned, there's an album waiting to be mixed. Guitars are tracked with Digi002 DI input (for reamping). Most of the people I talked say "it's okay, you don't need to use a DI box if you tracked them through digi's DI input, there won't be a big difference etc etc". But I'm having second thoughts about it.

So, any of you guys ever reamped dry signals of Digi 002 and/or Firepod without using a DI box? If so, could you share some samples. Is it gonna make a huge difference? How much noise do they make?
I'm not sure I totally understand the question. If we say "no" are you going to re-track all of the guitars? Joey is 100% correct that there will absolutely be a difference, but it makes more sense for you to try it and assess the sound for yourself than for us to try to prove something to you either way. FWIW I've had no issues going straight into my 002 and pod farm and it sounds fine to me but I also wouldn't personally choose that path for an album.