Has anyone passed out from a blood test?

I've always wanted the doctor people to draw blood from me. I dont know why it just seems like it would be rather interesting to watch the bag fill up. Needles are kinda fun I like getting shots

"Lolz future heroin addict"

Quite you
i've had blood taken but i haven't had to fast or anything for it so i don't know if thats the same thing. i'm not really scared of needles so its not that big of a deal. with the fasting blood test or whatever do they take more blood than they would a normal blood test in a physical?
I always want to donate blood but they always send me home because I'm under minimal weight limit required. I am a bone marrow donor though.
I never passed out while giving blood for testing or taking blood for testing.
no, never.
though last Monday when I was donating blood, that is, afterwards, I started feeling a bit sick, but they give us sandwiches and red wine, so it helped quite a lot.
I have a problem getting injections/vaccine though, not that I ever passed out cuz of it but I did get sick and felt many times like I would pass out. though the feeling would go away relatively fast.
I don't give blood for transfusions. I refuse to give anything like that unless its for tests related to my health. Or being paid for it. No donations.