Has anyone seen this?

Jan 19, 2006


I think its fake, its not hard to make a guitar looking the same

If he could proove it with the exact serial number and stuff like that i would be liek "fuck". Somehow still that guitar looks too "new" and shiny. Too bad Janne never visits these forums anymore. He could have come here with a comment :lol:
Yep, serial no. or I'm not believing it..this guy's probably just trying to make it more believable by showing this guitar and not a copy of the famous wildchild one..
Obiously a modded RX10D.

And it has sooooo many wrong specs....it doesn't even look like a USA Jackson :lol:.

What a waste of money :lol::lol:.

What a waste of time also. I didn't really even try to see any specs when the vid was so bad quality but i noticed the headstock was way different looking and the bridge was gold...but if it looked like a USA JAckson and could be Alexi's. What stops the guy from Switching out specs?(hardware,pickups etc)

But this guitar is not it...It's either a RX10D or something else. Input is on lower wing......w00t owned.