has it been posted before? studio updated from march, 19th!


Eats and spits corpses...
Sep 2, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
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hello neverheadz..tonight I finished up harmonies on the songs "Enemies of Reality" and "Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday"...the only ballad on this one btw! I'm looking forward to finishing the harmonies for "Create the Infinite"....this one is a fucking crushing heavy song..the lyrics are as heavy as the music that Jeff wrote..." I, Voyager" has turned out out so good my expectations have been blown away....next up ..harmony tracks for "Who Decides"...
Wednesday, March 19, 2003 at 02:51:26 (PST)
But ofcourse!
19th of march, figures! :rolleyes:
Nah, just being silly! -x-
Geez, reading that got me exited as hell!!
The drug is calling, i hear it!! whihi.. ;)

good luck with the last straw, on that camel's back, Warrel!
Hell with it, let the squid do it's work!!
Squid pro quo..
You carry on singing, we carry on waiting..
Make Enemies of Reality SHINE!!!
Damn, i'm exited..
Nevermore to feel the pain!! Within a few months it get released...
and boy,my collegues will be thrilled!! :lol:
And the costumers may eat my dust, when i get it in the shop?
I'll play it, no matter what!!
(hmm, i wonder what my manager will say..heh, he probably let me only play the ballads..and since there's only one on it...i think i just have to put it on repeat!)
Nah, he prolly says: take the day off Iris, you're annoying, whaha!! ;)
Just too much drugs for his mind! :spin:

[KOTNO]Narrot said:
hey squid!

hey narrot!

how was that weekend or trip or whatever to berlin or somewhere that you posted about a few weeks back?

hahah.. I don't know what it was, just you were going somewhere.. hmmm.. !! :lol:
9 is a magical number, Pyrus!!
It'll be worth waiting, i do not doubt that!!


xxx Iris xxx