Has this ever happened to you before?

I have had that very thing happen with several cd's. I also have had it happen where I thought my phone was ringing and it was CD as well.
Heck once I thought it sounded like I had a flat, So I pulled over and nothing. I get back in the car and hear it again. Then other sounds came on and I found it was the cd rumbling. lol I felt stupid.
Yes many times. The opposite has happened before too.

I heard a LOUD LOUD rumbling, and dismissed it as just another sound in a song. Then saw a big firetruck in my rear view mirrow and the firemen motioning for me to get the hell out of the way!
Yep, I’ve had that happen several times. And on the subject of musical coincidences…

A few years ago, I was at home reading “The Temple and the Stone”, a book from Katherine Kurtz that features the Knights Templar. I happened to have my newest CD purchase playing in the background, when all of a sudden, I *swore* I heard the word “Templar” coming through my speakers. I put the book down to pick up the CD booklet and check the lyrics. Sure enough, my new CD was The Divine Wings of Tragedy from Symphony X, and I was listening to “The Accolade.”

Of course, these days, with the popularity of “The Da Vinci Code”, that wouldn’t have been quite such a coincidence, but I thought it was pretty unusual at the time.