Hatebreeder or Follow the Reaper

I agree with Follow the reaper, I just think the songs are a little more ''Catchy'' than hatebreeder.

And I agree with Michael Jackson aswell
i'd have to say hatebreeder, the songs are strutured better, alot of the guitar work is neo-classical, which made them in the beginning, FTR was all setup for ETID the gutiars are too treblely.
majdenrulz said:
When I'm angry I like hatebreeder, but when I have lots of homework I prefer to FTR. Get it? :)

Ahhh yes now I get it!!! And when u masturbate u listen to AYDY while your little sister takes off her ''Hatecrew Deathroll'' Tshirt??
Lithium said:
Ahhh yes now I get it!!! And when u masturbate u listen to AYDY while your little sister takes off her ''Hatecrew Deathroll'' Tshirt??
:lol: :lol: :lol:
You are a completely idiot :)
Follow the Reaper. I just like it much better, dunno why, maybe because the riffs and songs are more diverse. And there aren't any songs that i don't like on FtR (though I skip Hate Me! sometimes), but Hatebreeder has some. I skip Hatebreeder, Black Widow and Wrath Within usually.