Hattrick - online football manager

How dare you speak of winning at the Gallows Pole?! :mad:
You're trashed, shamefully defeated by twice the score of the first match, without a single shot that lands anywhere near goal.
Now get out of my face you sick fart (sick fart?)!
I want to enjoy the sweet smell of victory ;)
what, you're here?! :mad:

hmmm, no wonder you're happy, after all you could beat VIDI-HENGER ;) I played with the 3rd most ridiculous tactics in the UM Cup history, but you really deserved to win, because this time I had 6 standard members of my A-squad in the starting 11 :)

Once more, congratulations, and thanks for that little money :) The highest UM CUp attendance ever. All Trabzon went to see Vidi :heh:
But... aren't you going to accuse me for rigging the match? Won't you blame my players for using illegal drugs? You have even congratulated me?! Damn, this is not fair! I can't have fun if you maturely accept the defeat! :cry: ;)

Play-offs are OK, I'm in if everyone's in...
but can't you see I blamed my ridiculous tactics?! That 5 A-squad players were MISSING??? That the iskender made me sick so I couldn't give instructions for my players during the game????? And all those women on the terraces :lol:

So, who is the 3rd? Baris or Jan?
1 vs 4
2 vs 3
I've just arrived back from my holidays too...
only to see Vidi-henger failing to promote to the 2nd divisionby worse goal difference...
I had this game in the stadium of my biggest rival, and I had to win. 4-0 at half timeto Vidi, fine. 4-4 in the end :eek: :waah: :mad:
oh that's bad...sorry for you :cry:
this place turned completely unknown to me.
where are all the people?
tcall,jan,umy and the others..we were having such a fun but now look here...:cry: