Hattrick - online football manager

Wahahahahhah :grin:

but.... fuck... you kicked my wonderful striker so he got injured, right after he had equalised :mad: Is this the Belgian way :mad:
Now he won't get training, and he's off for 2 weeks :mad:
I hope my supporters will beat up this Maurice Cantin guy after the game :heh:
UM Cup, Day 5

FC Karadeniz - Barbarians 4-0 (2-0)
Bele, Liedstad, Cabanilla (2 - 1 penalty)

Vidi-henger - Lokodijzeshotters 2-1 (1-1)
Goals (Vidi):
Molnár, Gács
Goal (Lokodijze): Richard

  1. Vidihenger 15 14-3
  2. FC Karadeniz 12 20-6
  3. Barbarians 3 6-13
  4. Lokodijzes. 0 5-23

    UM Cup, Day 1
    FC Karadeniz - Lokodijzeshotters 7-2 (1-1)
    Vidi-henger - Barbarians 4-2 (0-2)

    UM Cup, Day 2
    Barbarians - FC Karadeniz 1-2 (1-1)
    Lokodijzeshotters - Vidi-henger 0-4 (0-3)

    UM Cup, Day 3
    Vidi-henger - FC Karadeniz 2-0 (0-0)
    Lokodijzeshotters - Barbarians 1-3 (1-2)

    UM Cup, Day 4
    Lokodijzeshotters - FC Karadeniz 1-7 (0-4)
    Barbarians - Vidi-henger 0-2 (0-0)

    Top scorers:
    4 -
    Molnár (Vidi) :grin:
    3- Davis, Thyfeldt (1p), Cabanilla (2p), Liedstad (FCK), Gács (Vidi-henger)
    2 - Komar, Vaner, (FCK); Vincze (Vidi), Richard (Lokodijzeshotters)
    1 - Ulusu, , Al-Sakkâkî, Torumtay, Bele (FCK); O. Bosánszki, Halász, Urbaniczky, Erdei, Haglind (Vidi); Seyh, Killic, Sihâbeddîn, Tural, Alican, Ertegun (Barbarians); Rossin, Fayet, Vergne (Lokodijzeshotters)

    - 26.755 fans saw the games so altogether so far
    - the avarage attendence is 2676 fans
    - biggest crowd: 4595 Vidi-henger - FC Karadeniz (2-0)
    - smallest crowd: 1005 Barbarians - FC Karadeniz (1-2)
    Avarage attandences:
    - Vidi-henger: 3787 (all 3 games)
    - Lokodijze: 2844 (all 3 games)
    - Barbarians: 2000 (2 games)
    - FC Karadeniz: 1973 (2 games)

    You see Jan, you have crippled the top scorer of the Cup :cry:
    He is such a great striker, he could even make it to my A-team if my other strikers weren't even better (like Bosánszki, who scored 11 goals in 5 league games so far :grin: )
    I'm afraid Molnár will be unable to play against Karadeniz next week :waah: Umy needs to win by at least 2 goals :p It will never happen ;)
Oh yeah... I mixed the goal differences :s
Unless the games against each other counts, so you'd really have to win at least 2-0 ;) That would leave Jan the chance to grab the 3rd spot if he can avange the 1-3 against Barbi.
Turkey knocked out Brazil in the U-20 World Cup :s
And Poland smashed België 4-2
Hungary is not even participating - but we'll win the Emerging Leagues U-20 Cup, with the trainer Iván Kozák :grin:

Oh, our UM Cup will end this week. What shall we do after?
We could make this UM Cup season a little longer if we transformed it to a knock-out Cup: 1 vs 4 and 2 vs 3.
Your opinions?
Pussy! :rolleyes:

Umy! As I had a very easy game last weekend, I could save 75% of my A-squad for our UM CUp game. On the other hand, I train defending this week, so don't take it as Vidi-henger is afraid in any way to enter that hmmm....how you call it....muahahhah....gallows pole? :lol: My ultra defensive tactics is only because of the training :p