Hattrick - online football manager

UM Cup, Day 1

FC Karadeniz - Lokodijzeshotters 7-2 (1-1)
Goals (FCK): Ulusu, Thyfeldt (p), Komar 2, Vaner 2, Liedstadt
Goals (LJS): Rossin, Fayet

Vidi-henger - Barbarians 4-2 (0-2)
Goals (Vidi): Vincze 2, O. Bosánszki (p), Gács
Goals (Barb): Seyh, Killic

Day 2:
Lokodijzeshotters - Barbarians
FC Karadeniz - Vidi-henger
(unless Viking shows up!!!!)
I thought poor Jan should play against a Day 1 loser (:heh: ) and in his home ground. But there will be a return game don't worry :)
Of course the schedule can be changed (especially if Viking shows up with his Berlin R00lers)
He phoned me earlier today.
He says he's too busy reading books and playing Disciples 2, and he has got almost no time to log on.
He kindly gave me the email address of that Korean super-ref, so I had the chance to type a polite letter of appreciation for his highness :grin:
Btw, FIFA has retired that ref from international football, but has not replaced the ref for the Costa Rica match! God help us, Benin doesn't even have an official soccer league :eek:

The fixture is ok now, but there's another issue... Why do you all have to pick so many players for the friendlies from your ideal 11 for the series?
You know what, I think it's unfair to retire a referee just because he fucked up a penalty situation :mad:
Did Arif retire when he missed the penalty against Portugal? :mad: :mad:
And why didn't you convince Mr. Tokmak to at least join hattrick?! :mad: :mad: :mad:
And I'm glad that the next game's ref is a Beninian (:confused: ). I bet they don't have internet there so you can't haunt the poor guy after the game :mad: :cry:
Why didn't you send me a copy of that letter you've sent to the Korean guy? :mad:

About your Hattrick question.... could you rephrase it please, I'm not sure what you mean. Anyway, I could only send my A-team on the field against Baris because I had played with the B-team on the weekend before (a 5-0 walkover win against a phantom club). I have a tough schedule ahead so be sure you'll lose to my reserves (I hope) :)
Originally posted by Evilho
You know what, I think it's unfair to retire a referee just because he fucked up a penalty situation :mad:
Did Arif retire when he missed the penalty against Portugal? :mad: :mad:

You know what? He's fucked up the entire match, not just the penalty situation :mad:
And Arif should have retired long before he missed that penalty! :mad: :mad:

I rephrase my question about Hattrick:
"You have an ideal 11 for the series, right? And you have got reserves that have to gain experience and also benefit from the effects of the week's training. You played the ideal 11 in the league match already on Sunday. So why not give your reserves a chance in friendly matches?"

Got it now?
(it seems you already answered the question, but I had to clarify anyway)
And Arif should have retired long before he missed that penalty!

:lol: :lol:
I agree he should have retired long before but not because of the missed penalty! :u-huh:

My latest training session (updeted few hours ago) was very succesful! The form of most of the A-team players are between passable or solid (+1 excellent), while only 3-4 good quality players have poor or week form.
Their value increased significantly. Next week I'll start training skills. I'll only need 1 more stamina training in the near future, that's all.
Oh Umy when you train stamina or set pieces, all the players in your squad are affected. This means it doesn't matter who you put to play on Wednesday. This can be useful if you wanna win the UM Cup :)
All players are affected if all players were given a chance in one of the week's matches, be it a series game or a friendly. A player who doesn't play that week will get almost no contribution from that week's training. This is what's written in the rules anyway. Better keep it mind if you want to win the Um Cup ;)
Hah, Vidihenger-Miskolc 4-0 :grin:
I told the guys to play it cool because next Saturday I have a very tough away game! I must not lose points if I don't want to lose my good chances for promotion!

Where is Jan? He hasn't accepted my challenge for the UM Cup yet :s
Jan, I'll start to challenge other teams Monday night if you don't accept my friendly until then. I'll have to, because I need the game for the training! Of course it would be the best if I could play it in the Lokodijzeshotters Arena :) But first you have to come online :mad: