Have f**ken fun,while i'm sleepless >:(


Sleeping With Ghosts
Jun 11, 2002
Everybody is sleeping peacefully now,after listening to the new track for 100000000...times.At the moment,i'm trying not to fall asleep:( i keep myself busy,listening to Chris Isaak and Breaklose :dopey:.
fell on my bed around 11 and i tossed and turned until 1.then i came to a middle-phasis,neither asleep or awake.and yeah i had great,realistic nightmares:erk:exact immitation of my dark room and all.One of the most terrible things ive ever seen like.and amongst ghosts and terror,i was thinking-dreaming that i was telling Cerulean to order the new Anathema album for me too:zombie: (!!!)
Normally,i'd have two more exams to sit for and then go to my hometown(Thessaloniki)for holidays,but i think i'm gonna leave tomorrow after this shit night.I dunno if there's any doctor that stops sleep disturbances,but if there is,i surely need him:( 20 years of nightmares.Vomitory enough:puke: *nice thread to read first thing in the morning:Smug: *
Dying_Swan said:
The most important reason for insomnia and nightmares is anxiety. There are treatments and medicines that can treat anxiety and insomnia, though the first thing that YOU should do is try to relax.
thank you Sotiri:)long time no speak,eh?hehe:)

maybe i should try this yoga thingie:lol: or a hammer on the head would send me to sleep anyway.stayed up til 7,me eyes are black like:(and yeah i was listnening to the song for more than an hour yesterday haha.
i have been told that the content and the persistence of the nightmares(ive been having them everyday from a very early age)might be due to bad karma from a past life.i dunno if i can believe this,tho im slowly starting to believe in stuff like that.ah,fuck it.
whatever, i dunno what to do today,leave for thessaloniki or stay here til friday:( whatever
i dunno what to do against it sorry, maybe reading would do, it works for me. Anyways, i hope you will find sth against it, it doesn't sound good for you! Wish yer the best!!!

And have a nice trip back home :wave:
:lol: sure you should.it must have been the song's fault listened to it so many times that i dreamt ordering the cd to Gorik:lol:

problem is not so much that i cannot sleep,the problem is that when i sleep i have nightmares,very realistic in the present case.the funny thing is that indeed.i was dead weary and id just had a warm bath.so i was supposed to be relaxed.but then i heard sounds from dishes in the kitchen when i was sure everything was in its place,stable :erk: i fear the dark generally:( shite with strawberries:(

@Morpheus i think im gonna stay til thursday night at least.its better to sit for this exam.maybe i'll visit my bf next city,to get me some positivity.i dunno:)

thank you all anyway :tickled: :wave:
somnium_in_tenebris said:
Everybody is sleeping peacefully now,after listening to the new track for 100000000...times.At the moment,i'm trying not to fall asleep:( i keep myself busy,listening to Chris Isaak and Breaklose :dopey:.
fell on my bed around 11 and i tossed and turned until 1.then i came to a middle-phasis,neither asleep or awake.and yeah i had great,realistic nightmares:erk:exact immitation of my dark room and all.One of the most terrible things ive ever seen like.and amongst ghosts and terror,i was thinking-dreaming that i was telling Cerulean to order the new Anathema album for me too:zombie: (!!!)
Normally,i'd have two more exams to sit for and then go to my hometown(Thessaloniki)for holidays,but i think i'm gonna leave tomorrow after this shit night.I dunno if there's any doctor that stops sleep disturbances,but if there is,i surely need him:( 20 years of nightmares.Vomitory enough:puke: *nice thread to read first thing in the morning:Smug: *
u can sleep on my arms for best results when u come back :p
:cry: right on.maybe thats why i was so fanscinated when i first listened to "fear of the dark",even if by that time i was originally listening to Take That ,Ace of Base and 2Unlimited :ill: :lol:
if you give me 60€ ill tell you what your dreams are about.
