Have they ever played live with a female?


New Metal Member
Nov 2, 2002
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hello ladies and gentlemen, I was wondering if DT has ever played live their songs with the female voices and if there are recordings of them! :confused:
I think it would be good if they not only played some of the tracks with female vocals live, but if the played a lot of the older, skydancer/ the gallery, tracks live as well. I would however prefer that they leave the ManoWar out of it!!
Originally posted by poldarn
If so, does Stanne sing the female verses?

The Clips I've seen he sings the female verses. Although it does sound good I would like to see/hear DT do it with a female vocalist.
Originally posted by poldarn
I was wondering, correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't DT play Undo Control live from time to time? If so, does Stanne sing the female verses?

Yes, Stanne does the female singing part, with clean vocals of course! It can be heard in the live February 8, 2001 Kåren show as well as other live shows.