Dark Tranquillity - Uppsala, Sweden last night

Uh, I survived it all as well. I'm far too tired to write anything sensible about it right now, but in a couple of days you can expect a full report of my trip to Sweden, including full coverage of the show and the dirty details like why Niklas is a vegetarian or what has Stanne tattooed 10 cm below his navel! :eek:

I'll try to get the photos up somewhere, as well...

So, anyone wanna tell me what has happened here meanwhile? And how in hell Rahvin is a moderator now?!? :o

-Villain (tired, but happy)
Originally posted by red_beef
@Salamurhaaja: you didn't manage to show up there?

Nope, my friend thought something as trivial as his roomies birthday was more worth attending, he's a faggot :mad:
@Villain, Siren:as embarassing as this may sound, I know what Stanne has tattooed down there... :s

But, suprisingly enough, I didn't know that Niklas was a vegetarian! I 'd better do some research on that...
@Narcoloth: i will spare you the embarrassment and will not ask how you know ;) :loco:
I should go to Sweden too. :grin:

Originally posted by At The Gates

Bring it on you country-loving faggots ;)
I guess you are not that polite after all. ;) :grin:

Why has the word "faggot" been mentioned 2 times already? :err: We are not becoming like the Dave Matthews Band board, are we? :eek: :lol:
Originally posted by Silentjohan
How big was the crowd at the gig?
Was it a good atmosphere?

I wish I was there:'(

I would estimate it to somewhere between 500-1000. I never watched the crowd. My focus was on the stage.