Dark Tranquillity - Uppsala, Sweden last night


New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2002
Uppsala - Sweden
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Hello everybody! I'm a new FAN! I have heard of them before but never engaged me to listen to them.. man I should! They are super great! Fuck, their live feeling was total! Great songs, played "Monochromatic Stains" from the new album Damage One too!

Great band! :)
Just got back from Uppsala. Thanks to the band + Villain + Phyre for superb company and great moments, and for suping me under bordet (eller gjorde jag det själv?). Folköl funkade bra om man grundat med starköl innan.

The set list:

The wonders at your feet
Rundown (not played due to lack of time)
The sun fired blanks
Final resistance (First time ever!)
Indifferent suns
Monochromatic stains (First time ever!)
Punish my heaven
UnDo control (not played due to lack of time)
Zodijackyl light
Feast of burden
Not built to last (Not allowed to play it due to time constrictions), the band was "pushed" off stage when they where gonna play this last song.

You could never notice that this was the first time they played in 8 months (since Turkey). The sound was great and the crowd seemed to love it.
Ah, so they played those two from the new album, cool. They were planning to play White Noise/Black Silence too I think. What's this thing with lack of time? Wasn't the festival well organised? Who gives a damn , I WANTED TO BE THERE :( :(
Originally posted by rahvin
lack of time: probably too busy writing setlists for friends and acquaintances. :rolleyes:


Actually, they gave me one of the ones they used on stage so I could tell everyone on the forum which songs they played. Whats the bad mood about?
Originally posted by Narcoloth
Ah, so they played those two from the new album, cool. They were planning to play White Noise/Black Silence too I think. What's this thing with lack of time? Wasn't the festival well organised? Who gives a damn , I WANTED TO BE THERE :( :(

The other bands played longer than expected so they had to cut down the set due to a curfew.
What's this thing with lack of time?

Fuck that Bad Cash Quartet. When everybody thought they had gone of the stage, they returned just to play 3 more songs. Delaying the gig and giving DT less time to play!!! I liked the fact that people threw grass and bottles on the stage when Bad Cash Quartet played.

Anyway, damn that was really one of the best live performances I've seen. Stanne has such amazing voice, can't believe that he sounds better live than in the studio:D

I didn't see any Dt-shirts there, altought there were many Pantera and Motörhead shirts. Where were you all standing?
I think these things happen all the time in such events, free outdoors events with lots of bands (and different styles). I think that it was good enough to be there just to see DT headlining and playing the 2 songs from DD for the first time! :headbang:

Wish I were there...
Originally posted by seventi

I didn't see any Dt-shirts there, altought there were many Pantera and Motörhead shirts. Where were you all standing?
First row, in front of Henriksson.
Originally posted by Misanthrope


Fuck if i were on DT i would really let them have it to the organizers but specially to management for booking with such assholes

Not physically. Stanne pleaded with them to let them play the last song but they said no.
It was awesome :)

I liked the fact that the volume wasn't as high as it usually is at concerts.....I could manage without earplugs.... I was standing in the middle, maybe 5-10 metres behind stage (in a The Haunted t-shit, actually)