Have you ever beat somebody up?

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And the journey begins...
May 19, 2002
Istanbul, Turkey
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In your life, is there a remarkable beating experience you remember? Did you beat someone or beaten by somebody else?

I was never beaten but i remember, when i was younger, like 15. i beat my best friend 3 times. :) (Yes my best friend.) Cos he was being a jerk and thats it... Never beaten and frankly, i avoid to get into a rumble. Anyways... what about you? Some guy ever smashed your head really bad? Or a purple eye? :)
I've had a number of close and kinda violent encounters in my life. Most of them were 'play fights' with close friends which turned more serious after a little bit.

A few examples:
1. My friend was walking across the school field one day, I ran up behind him and pushed him, I don't know why. Anyways, his pie fell on the grass and he screamed in anguish "MY PIE!!! YOU BASTARD!!". He then chased me around the field while I laughed evilly. Then he caught me and bashed me into the concrete and punched me. He got up from bashing me to turn away and I hit him in the back. :devil: We rolled around on the ground with blood starting to splotch about and then all my mates came and broke us up. He held a grudge from then on and always watched where I was when he was eating a pie. :lol:

2. My mate was boasting that he was really strong saying "my punches are so strong, I'm so tough. blah blah blah". I said "sure...bullshit". He then looked at me and said "Ok I'll prove it", and with no warning he ran at me and started beating me REALLY FUCKING HARD. I was winded and fell on the ground while panting "you fucking asshole". I held a grudge from then on.

3 . I was mocking this guy and he ran at me and got me in a headlock. He then proceeded to try and pull my pants down. I was like "What the fuck are you doing you sick bastard!!". He just keep pulling my pants while I battled to keep them up. Then my friends gathered round and yelled out "rape!!! rape!!!". He got all embarassed and turned red and let me go. He then ran away. It was weird.

...as you can tell this was all pretty immature stuff, but it occurred around 3rd or 4th form and I was pretty immature back then. *shrugs*
Originally posted by blakmetalemp
A pie? :confused: Why in the blue hell did he have a pie? :lol:

Because this mate of mine is a bit of a chubby pie-lover!

Hehe, I used to toy with him in my knowledge of his one weakness...the allure of a good pie.

Once, when I was 14, while playing football with a group of friends I started fighting with this guy Andrew because he was constantly holding. He wrestled me to the ground, but I ended up in the always advantageous mounted position and proceeded to finish him in about 4 or 5 punches. It had actually been building up between us, and the best part was his girlfriend was there. Although in retrospect his beating probably just allotted him more attention, whatever it is teenagers do for attention.
Originally posted by blakmetalemp
Did he have one of those big gold rings that covers all your fingers like Cartman that says PIE! :lol:

Oh no...nothing like that.

He just has a tatoo covering the width of his wide chest that says 'Pie-z in da hood', in hard-assed gangster ghetto stylez. On his back hes got 'Mince-z to da cheez, represent da #1 pie-z flava'.

Hes a badass.
Originally posted by Black Heart
Theres this girl in my class, and she's so fucking evil, I mean, you can tell that she's REALLY FUCKING MEAN by the expression on her face, she has a really mean face and it looks like she's trying to give you the evil eye or something. So basically she's a liar, and manipulative girl, and a hypocrite girl, and I SO FUCKING BADLY HATE HER WITH PASSION. And one of my best friends hangs out with her a lot and says that she's cool - SHE'S NOT COOL SHE'S MEAN CANT YOU FUCKING SEE THAT!? EVERYONE SAYS SO, ANYONE THAT KNOWS HER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.
So today she was sitting in a table next to me and I wanted to beat her up so bad, to grab that curly ugly hair of hers and just smash her head against the table. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I fucking hate people like her. She's the only one that makes me think these kind of thought. :mad: :mad:
God, I hate her so much.


Ok Blackheart, do this with me now. Breathe in 'wooooooo'....breathe out 'woooooshh'....breathe in 'wooooooo'....breathe out 'woooooshh'....etc...

Now now, young Blackheart...we need to be friendly and nice to others. You must take all that anger and channel it into something productive, such as pot-making, or quilting.

Sensei Static has spoken.
An odd an fairly short fight about a week ago, got home drunk(and a half) early in the morning after some clubbing with some friends... couldn't sleep, boredom set in.... guess what happens :D

No maliscious intent, but we definately weren't pulling our punches... I ended up with a little over half a dozen bruises on my chest and arms... He's likewise or worse......

Other than that just a few brief encounters through skewl come to mind... one in particular where an older guy in primary school had been picking on me for some time, and roughing me up a little, till we went on a school camp, he said something fairly st00pid which made me 'snap' and I delivered a flying kick to the small of his back.... not the smartest thing in retrospect.... .I coulda done some serious and permanent damage...... oh well.
Yes, I've beaten up my best friend and another kid before. We all used to ride the school bus together for several years, and I guess when I was about 11 or 12 is when we had our little fights. Nothing major, really. We were just being stupid and fighting over minor things. I haven't been in a fight in a long time and typically avoid being in that situation.

Sometimes I would like to just really beat the hell out of someone...maybe like a Fight Club type deal. :)
well sibling fights are nothing bad.. mostly left with a few bruises or giving them, but thats pretty much it with the relatives...

my mother once through a vase at me, i was close to retaliating back but decided it was best not to afterall she still is my mother... pfftt.

I got into several fights before, because people are idiots.

the first one was back in 7th grade, some stupid thing about some girl who was jealous because she thought i was trying to *steal* the guy she liked. she ended up with a black eye, i ended up with claw marks all over my arms.

another one was because some guy was drunk and decided he could take a swing at me, i ducked, and ended up kicking and punching him for a while, the worse that came out of that one was smelling like vodka for the rest of the night.

another one i remember was because some girl thought i was someone else and decided to hit me on the back of my head. i through her against the lockers a few times, she got some good punches in and so did i. i was left with bruises on my arms, and she had got a bloody nose and some bruises as well. I later found out that the girl that she actually meant to fight, kicked the girls ass as well. people... bah...

eh... I only fight in self defense. but a few times i was close to beating the hell out of some of my friends for being such assholes at the time.
I only fight when there aren't any other options. Like if I can't get away, or if they won't leave me alone after I tell them many times that they won't like what will happen.
My senior year in high school there was this little prick in junior year that thought he was tough shit. His brother and my brother were enemies, and so he decides to start shit with me.
Anyway, this little fuck is constantly going up to me and saying, lets fight in the parking lot blah blah blah, and i say, no fuck you you little shit lets fight right here; eventually ending with him running off with his friends.
Then one day after school im walking home and him and his friends follow me. I say to him, what are you gonna do u little shit?, and so he takes a full swing at my face, and i turn back around and give him an evil grin, and his face and eyelids are all shaking (he must've pissed his pants or something).
I tell him to hit me in the face again. he backs off. i walk towards him telling him to give me another pussy shit punch in the face.
right then, the little fuck runs off. everyone afterwards praise me because i can take full on punches to the face and still keep cool afterwards. the big shot of a kid was ridiculed by everyone and was also kicked out of school, cause he had a previous history of randomly getting in trouble. I win.
My senior year in high school there was this little prick in junior year that thought he was tough shit. His brother and my brother were enemies, and so he decides to start shit with me.
Anyway, this little fuck is constantly going up to me and saying, lets fight in the parking lot blah blah blah, and i say, no fuck you you little shit lets fight right here; eventually ending with him running off with his friends.
Then one day after school im walking home and him and his friends follow me. I say to him, what are you gonna do u little shit?, and so he takes a full swing at my face, and i turn back around and give him an evil grin, and his face and eyelids are all shaking (he must've pissed his pants or something).
I tell him to hit me in the face again. he backs off. i walk towards him telling him to give me another pussy shit punch in the face.
right then, the little fuck runs off. everyone afterwards praise me because i can take full on punches to the face and still keep cool afterwards. the big shot of a kid was ridiculed by everyone and was also kicked out of school, cause he had a previous history of randomly getting in trouble. I win.
Originally posted by Silent Downfall
this gay fag homosexual opened a door into me when he knew i was standing there, so i gave him a little shove.
Really? He was gay? :rolleyes: Sorry, SD, it's not just you, I've just gotten really tired of hearing this lately. Do you actually have something against gays? I don't think so, from your posts. So come on, pick your insults a bit more appropriately.

As for me, I've done a lot of physical fighting with my dad. I've never really gotten violent with anyone else though.

I was suspended in elementary school for sprayng Binaca in this asshole's eyes, though. :lol: And like SD, I didn't mind my forced vacation one bit.
Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay.

Gay doenst equal homosexual.

Gay equals happy.

Stop changing words to what they dont mean. :mad:
Originally posted by Lina
Really? He was gay? :rolleyes: Sorry, SD, it's not just you, I've just gotten really tired of hearing this lately. Do you actually have something against gays? I don't think so, from your posts. So come on, pick your insults a bit more appropriately.

I know what you mean, Lina. It gets aggivating and I feel like seriously kicking the someone's ass when they say someone is "gay" or a "fag" because they don't like the person. If I gave into that impulse whenever it struck a LOT of people would have a bullet lodged in their heads today. Hehe.

To the topic, I've gotten into a few fights when I was in the sixth grade or so, but I grew out of that immaturity.
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