Have you ever called..........

I talked oversea once...but I never called anyone from the board....way too broke...and of course, no one ever called me from the board...Though I'd like to hear anyone talk with a norwegian, swedish or finish accent....I'll wait till I move there or at least go travelling I guess...
i talked to Killin by phone a couple of times (i still owe her the calling cards :-D) and we also spoke with Roger Wilco on a couple of occassions too, but the connection was really crappy
she makes it beyond worth it anyway :-)
MagSec4 called me twice already, it was great :D
And of course my lil' dear, Ormir (Sami) - I called him and he called me too, we talked several times now via phone. It's great to hear him reading some hungarian stuff with finnish accent :p And talkin' to him makes me realize how I suck at english :lol:
But anyway, I'd really like to talk to Yanko, Thomas and many of you guys :) A nice chatting is always welcomed ;)