have you ever had a homossexual experience?

Well on a riverboat in Thailand there were a gay belgium couple beside me, one of them was asleep, then he sort of leaned over and rested his head on my shoulder then put his hand on my leg and squeezed it.....i threw his hand off and pushed him the over way, naturally
Normally the "I'm not gay line works" so it goes no further than polite asking. Sometimes however they dive straight in and grab my dick. I respond just like a woman would - knee to the balls. But then I take things a little further. Took 5 people to stop me last time...

But if by homosexual epxerience you mean did I reciprocate or whatever then no, it was just a jerk - no different to the ones who are like that with women.
Originally posted by Silent Downfall
yea in 3rd grade me and someone else performed oral sex on each other.

*waits for the immature jokes*

given my tendency to use big words, any joke i made would be a real mouthful...

Originally posted by Silent Downfall
yea in 3rd grade me and someone else performed oral sex on each other.

*waits for the immature jokes*

ahhh that's not SO bad. When i was around 5 or 6 me and a buddy decided to chec eachother out so we whipped 'em out and gave them a feel. hehe that was kinda odd.... but i dunno if i would call that a gay experience since neither of us are gay and we didn't do it to turn eachother on, we were just curious.
When I was in 4th grade I could suck my own dick, does that count? I wish I still could, I gave good head.

I have a gay friend who I went to a couple of youth groups with just to hang out or whatever, but thats about it.

My girlfriend is bi. I need to find another hot bi chick, I could make so great movies with that....

...I'll be back in 15 minutes.
A female friend and I did oral sex from ages 4 to 10. Eh, didn't affect me too much, except that I need slightly more hardcore things to get me off since I've been desensitized to so much. She, not surprisingly, was already messed up, and went on to much fucking and many abortions.

Since then, I've kissed female friends and felt them up on dares and for laughs, but nothing serious.